Have you ever revealed your power level to a girl?

Have you ever revealed your power level to a girl?

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I once went on about Adolf Hitler infront of a girl and a nigger in a conversation. Nothing else, though.

I told a girl that I was a mentally ill loser with no job and she told me to be confident in myself and she sends me nudes.
It worked out pretty well desu

i don't even hide it

I never ever talk to girls.

>i don't even hide it
based autismo chad

My wife has some idea but I keep the worst of it in my past.

Only to one, a girl who I've been friends with for years and watches anime herself, but all I've done is send her an anime sticker on whatsapp recently

no, it's never hindered my life in any capacity to reveal my power level.

i get laid everyday.

once to a girl i did acid with. turned out her powerlevel was even higher. 10 years strong

Yes my ex. She was so receptive and trusted that I knew what I was talking about. Really missing her tonight.

ya i started talking about how everything is an eternal 3000 year long war between the platonic sand Aristotelians and she pulled off her rubber mask revealing a jesuit ( platonic ) an i fled the scene

>eternal 3000 year long

>he cant into zoroastrianism

yeah on our first date I showed her my entire collection of rare pepes, got ghosted after that

highly doubt this ever happened, but ok

Yeah, went fine. As long as girls are into you and you are nice to them, you could srsly be a mass murder and girls wont care. How else do you think nogs ever get laid?
Its only if you have them in your local area after the relationship cools off that they consider starting drama over it.

wise of you, user

>revealed your power level

Define this. Letting them know you're into anime? Letting them know you're a virgin at age 23? Letting them know that your porn fetishes include bestiality and hypnosis rape of lolis?

i dont hide it.
i traumatize women.

Hello based department? original comment

You'll seriously catch less heat for #3 and 4 than for the virgin part.

>Letting them know that your porn fetishes include bestiality and hypnosis rape of lolis?

I once told a girl I'd been dating for a little while that I thought certain types of bestiality porn were hot. Mind you, this was just after she'd tearfully revealed to me that she was a recovering alcoholic. Cried like a baby afraid that I would judge her and leave her for it. I accepted her honesty, told her it didn't change how I felt, all that shit. Didn't judge her or make her feel bad about it at all. She was begging me "Come on! Tell me your dirtiest sexual fantasies! Anything is ok."

Looked at me like I had just revealed that I was a registered sex offender who used to rape babies. Freaked out, wouldn't respond to my call or texts for a few days, then started with the whole "What does that mean? Would you want me to dress up like a horse or something" texts. It was mortifying and felt like such a betrayal after I'd been so understanding about her moment of vulnerability.

tl;dr When a woman says to tell her your deepest sexual fantasies, she wants to hear you say "threesome" or "BDSM" or "sex on the beach" or some other normie shit that she has already decided she wants to try with you. I will take the truth of my degeneracy with me to my grave. My wife has no idea that I still fap to Art of Zoo knotting vids on occasion.

i'm not an autist, i'm just extremely fucking weird