Why is nobody bombing the shit out of this nigger island?

Why is nobody bombing the shit out of this nigger island?
Man I'd love bringing civilization to those niggers and getting revenge for the people they killed.
Would be pretty based to finally invade them.

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This is the mindset of all Jews.

But they only kill retards. We should utilize them more and send missionaries if anything.

>be isolated tribe
>pol still finds a way to relocate you to their head free of charge

No, it is the mindset of someone who wants to get rid of primitive cultures.

>Why is nobody bombing the shit out of this nigger island?
No point since they don't leave the island or invade other areas
>Man I'd love bringing civilization to those niggers and getting revenge for the people they killed.
The only people they killed were retarded missionaries who could've easily posed a threat to a tribe who've never seen other humans for thousands of years. There's no point in bringing civilization to them since they don't even want it.
>Would be pretty based to finally invade them.
Why? It would be like burning an ant hill and calling it some sort of military success. You could easily kill all of them in a few minutes with drone strikes, but what's the point? Also this would be classified as a war crime.

People today are 3rd worldist they important mudhut uncivilized trash to the most developed and equal countries in the world. When that Christian guy went to that island then people were laughing at his death I felt sickened. Sure what he did was stupid but I had this feeling that people were laughing at him because they romantized the idea that a barbarian killed this first world civilized man.

>see people completely isolated and keeping to themselves
>instantly desire to go over there and completely obliterate them
This is the mindset of all Jews.

Because no one cares what an incel wants. just KYS

I wish jews were actually that based.
Unfortunately most of them (or at least the atheist faggots who call themselves jews because they had jewish grandparents) aren't.

Why the hell do you care about this user

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Oy gevalt iz mir!
Gib mir meyne shekl!

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Because I want to bring civilization to these undeveloped tribes and because we as a superior race need to show them our strenght and superiority.

I'd put my boat right outside the range of their arrows and shoot those niggers with a high powered rifle. Great fun!

Not really, why would I want to kill them?
I want to colonize them, bring them our civilization and make them functional members of our society.

How sad must your life be, that your only victory would come from killing stone age people.

How are they not extremely inbred.

>Getting revenge for the people they called.
Your people probably killed more of them than they did you. Almost all countries use Africa for it's resources.

In the afterlife you get to count the number of times you said the N word. how you react to that will be how I treat you in the afterlife

You will both die for israel

If you had enough money you could get a yacht and a rifle and sail there and plink wild niggers from your boat. If that's not motivation to work hard and become a millionaire, then I don't know what is.

better off annihilating the ones actually doing harm first like the entire middle east

Are you retarded? Then we will be flooded with nigger island refugees. One of the biggest mistakes of the west was colonization. If we just left well enough alone, at least then we could be totally absolved of all blame for the abhorrent state these niggers are in.

Instead, now they have to come and live with us in the big boy house, like some kind of down syndrome cousin

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I want to solo the island with an M60 in the name of god

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