She "debunked" the redpill

Is she right? If redpill is wrong then why didn't she give any advice on what do to instead?

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Nigger im not watching that.

Didn't read after that.

but the "manosphere" isn't the redpill. different things.

counterpoint: men dont care

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>make millions in the dog bullrun of crypto last year
>stop caring about the opinions of females
>view them as objects to rent and enjoy for a weekend

>listening to cunts virtue-signalling

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Why is that every person that critiques a community, never proposes a real solution to the problem? Lol she said that men should just reach out other men that are to into deep in the rabbit hole, as if a man is going to give a shit about some stranger. It's basically just complaining just to complain

>view them as objects to rent and enjoy for a weekend
Unironical the way to a happy male life

good for all of us
too many psychopaths

make a post about her once she debunks the blackpill

nobody below the age of 25 even buys into the retarded PUA redpill crap, zoomers are either blue or blackpilled

idk why I did. I should have better things to do

at least the people around it overlap a lot

well she talked about hopeless incels so

idk either

y'all are the reason the good concepts behind redpill/blackpill got corrupted

>well she talked about hopeless incels so
give me a timestamp i dont want to watch a 2 hour long video just for 5 minutes of "blackpill debunking"

>>make millions in the dog bullrun of crypto last year
Yes, I'm sure your mom believes you. Theres a reason why you continue to live with her of course.

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the thing I don't like about blackpill is the hopelessness it promotes. When I "took it", I wasted quite some time of my life until I realized that being " hopeless" is more comfortable than actually trying to improve stuff. Even if you'll never "make it" I'm sure that e.g. gymmaxxing will be more progress than sitting in your couch all day. Couple centuries ago people had to work their ass off to even survive. The problem is that nowadays people are to comfortable being "doomed".

it just promotes the truth, hopelessness is your reaction to it if you happen to be born in the shallow end of the bell curve of looks. Why would the blackpill make chads hopeless? most self improvement is pointless for incels though, getting educated or having a ton of money isnt going to matter if women dont like you because of your bone structure

This wench is retarded. Remind me why we allow these holes to speak? "Women match only with chads not because of hypergamy, but because they get raped too much on dating apps!" Thanks for the laugh.

lol these fucking comments.

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can you do a summary or something OP

>Lol she said that men should just reach out other men that are to into deep in the rabbit hole, as if a man is going to give a shit about some stranger.
That's the biggest problem. The PUAs are the only guys not afraid of being smeared by the twatter and media elite. Normal conservative men won't say shit. Liberal men are as bad as women, doling out useless pablum.

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Sadistic smile, i'll pass. But I bet she loves deboonking, lol.

inb4 left can't meme

Lol, d'she really said that?
My god, the hidden premise of that line: "only ugly men rape". No wonder so many women get raped with stunning logicks like that!!!

>blah blah blah it's men's fault yada yada yada

tired ass cunt

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It's always men's fault. Women just sit around and let things happen to them. Only men act. Papa Pope is in charge, yada yada yada

>women are gods
Weapons grade copium.

The right can't attention span.