I turned down the offer to touch a girl's body anywhere I wanted because I was afraid of being called a normalfag on...

I turned down the offer to touch a girl's body anywhere I wanted because I was afraid of being called a normalfag on Any Forums.
And now I will probably never have an opportunity like this ever again.
Thanks assholes.

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>caring about what 4chin mob thinks
it's over

on the plus side, you may have just avoided a false rape accusation

there's always a silver lining

holy cope
so true!

You just discovered the secret behind inceldom

It's not about being unable to attract or sleep with women. It's about wanting to feel special, and apart of a community that thrives in misery and company. The high standards for women on r9k are what keep the con going, keep you thinking that you're the defective one. Really you just don't want to try.

The real involuntarily celibate ones are the trannies and homosexuals who have gone a totally different road without women at all

It is true that I want to feel 'special' for jesus and hitler because of my mental development disorders

no, but the fact that someone doesn't think it's a you problem is

user that didn't make any sense to me

christians don't want to sin, it's a them problem
incels can't find romantic partners, it's a them problem
fashists don't want "degeneracy", and it's also a them problem.
the question is if we should accept their (final) solutions
incels are crazy though

I guess I want to believe I'm an incel the same way I want to believe I'm a nazi
It's all a larp
But then sometimes it isn't
I wanna blow my brains out

why would you want to identify as an incel?

Ocd obsession with my virginity as my highest sense of self worth and would want to kill myself if I ever lost it because my innocence and childhood memories would all be killed and ruined and dead

then treat and supress your ocd, or you will be pointlessly miserable

I love basedjaks so much, I used to hate them and wished they were banned but now I love them.

I love Nathaniel I love the Impish Basedjak Ears

Haha you have no idea..how far gone I am, and how much 'treatment' I've been through
I learned long ago that trying to go against my brain makes it worse. It is comparable to satan rebelling against his god thinking he would get freedom but it didn't it made it worse and severe punishment for free thinking.
I'm heavily medicated and locked up in an institution for 20 months
The only way is to play along with my brain and act as if what it says is reality, because it is reality, but only visible to and felt by me

yes! if i stop feeling "dirty" then i am able to sleep! so i just stop caring about doing the rituals and that is called CBT therapy
cognitive-behavioral therapy

*exposure therapy, my bad

Pointless suffering that changes nothing

you suffer by doing rituals to stop truly pointless suffering user

I am falling asleep on ativan, seroquel, lyrica, hydroxyzine, and melatonin
Maybe someday I'll kiss a girl
Good night

>Just stop suffering, bruh
Alright, buddha

oh and clomipramine. The stuff that's supposed to make the thoughts go away but doesn't