To Women

To Women,

I resent you. That isn't a choice really. It's a natural and fair response to being treated badly. I resent you for finding my honestly fair and valid feelings detestable just because they're not affirming you. Why are you so insecure and brittle that you need everyone to like you even when you treat them badly? And why do large tech companies from Silicon Valley, and colleges, and the federal government feel the need to enforce that so intensely? I am tyrannized over. I am not free. You are a false justification for that. And you are totally happy being that. And I think that makes you traitorous slime. The way you treat men, all men is actually deplorable. I've seen what you are when you feel that you have the upper hand, and I won't forget that.


>Last Thread:

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On the one hand you're a butthurt faggot. On the other hand, you spit truth in the last thread and some foid also gave a butthurt faggot reply. Funny that they always say you chose to be this way and that you could easily fix it, but they never bother to ask what you attempted and never have specific things you should do.

Men arent allowed to have feelings or share stories unless it affirms a female. The pieces of the puzzle are coming together.

>you spit truth in the last thread
I spit the truth in every thread. You might not agree with it, but I'm not just shrieking accusations for my own vanity, or as a cope with shame or bruised ego, or butthurt anything. I just want to get to the bottom of what I feel and say it out loud, or at least anonymously on an Albanian beef cattle forum.
>never have specific things you should do.
The reason is because they're covering for themselves. Some people are malicious towards young men and really just want a group to deem inhuman to act out their lust for immorality with an institutional mainstream seal of approval. Others are just the inconsiderate mainstream trying desperately to avoid blame, but they don't have any motivation to be helpful, they just want to spin the spotlight away from their own inner feeling of being accused.

>Men arent allowed to have feelings or share stories unless it affirms a female.
I believe this is the case yes. In any government, tech or corporate environment. Women are an uncontestable excuse for them to overeach their powers to control people without reprisal. And I resent women for basically just accepting the benefits like a bribe purley out of the fact that they care about men so little, despite being entitled to male care so much. It really is the most hypocritical thing I know of. i know of no other creature, no other character no one, who is as big of a hypocrite as a woman from the modern western world.

To Woman Hater

I talk so little and yet I feel that I have nothing left to talk about. I don't think I have anything good to say.


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I know the real reason I'm like this though. It's actually the modern college system and the tight job market. Social stigmatizing of young men is a big factor too, but I'm actually a fairly outgoing person and willing to try new things, I've actually just been treated really badly and put into a really difficult, isolating position by people who had me under financial duress in essentially a modern indentured servitude system where I was overworked under appreciated and disrespected a lot. I know what is my fault and what isn't. I can tell that my isolation isn't from a computer, it's from people who genuinely modified the western scholastic and workforce system to take advantage of me. Women and feminism were the excuse and cover for that for the last 70 years.

Hello Rat.
I like you.

I noticed some people in my neighborhood started acting really shitty towards me once they found out i was single for a long time.

There's no way for young people or the middle class to protest because women are essentially waging a gender war with the aid of these large market maker forces. And no matter how cooperative men have been with women to present a unified front against this, women have continued to push the enveloper to genuinely unsustianable extremes to the point where it's obvious that men have realized they can't cooperate with women, women today are just too degenerate and morally bankrupt, and they're not even cognizant enough to even see themselves that way or recognize that men see them that way. They think it's all just sexual frustration and entitlement as they cling to a false stereotype they've refused to let go of.

I'm sorry that happened to you user. Would talking about it make you feel better?
You too rat, if you want a shoulder to cry on, I'm willing to listen.

The majority of feminist ideas today isn't about creating equality, it's about tearing men down, and the minority that is left is about creating delusional valuations of themselves and not men. Both are just methods of attacking the common man. Women worship powerful patriarchs more than ever, and literally use it as a justification to review "privileges" of young men or middle class salary distributions instead of their ceo crush.

Why would institutions support feminism? it's just a manipulative tool in the class war, but women are so shortsighted, hedonistic, selfish callous etc. that they totally abide it, not realizing that they're getting fucked over and degraded in the deal because they're just so full of themselves.

is doing this nightly like a therapy thing, or

You know I read your posts all the time but most times I don't know what to say so I don't respond but I did mean to ask for a while; Do you enjoy interacting with the "trolls" that come into your threads just to insult you? From what I can gather it seems that you don't really mind engaging in banter if you could even call it that.
Would it be weird if I said "I like you too"? I feel like I shouldn't be weird but it still sounds a little weird in my head. I miss when when I didn't think weird things.

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Modern women are sluts, corpo sluts, sluts for tyranny, sluts for men that treat them badly, sluts for an algorithm. Their spirit has been totally subverted.

kind of.
>Do you enjoy interacting with the "trolls" that come into your threads just to insult you?
No. But I'm not going to take myself too seriously. There's a limit to what I'll deal with.
>Would it be weird
As long as you just mean platonically, it's not weird.

It's because they're vindictive creatures user, vile and malicious down to the last God fucking forsaken synapse in their soulless fucking meat computer. Women don't have souls, and they don't have feelings. They wear a mask of feelings, but don't truly feel. They're fucking reptilian.

Your middle paragraph is spot on and you articulate it clearly. I only call you butthurt because angry rants (in general) are a bad look and impotent, but I get it.

I overthink things. Of course it wouldn't be weird, "I like you" is naturally platonic isn't it? Even on Estonian whitesmithing forums I'm socially awkward. I don't actually have any real-life friends, maybe stuff like this is why I don't have any. Awkwardness is in my very nature.
It'll take more than a shoulder at this point. I think I need a crater which I can fill with my tears. That will make me feel better I believe.

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>they don't have feelings
I wouldn't agree with that. Their feelings are convenient, and they're callous as fuck though.
>a bad look
You know this is r9k right?
> impotent
You're incorrect. You should re-evaluate why you thought that.
>Awkwardness is in my very nature.
It's okay rat. I still like you.
>That will make me feel better I believe.
Chin up rat. One day things can go your way. Have you asked your uncle about finding work?

what would your mom think of these posts?

Does that have a relevance to the veracity of my statements? or is it purely just you attempting to sidestep the argument by trying make the discussion personally about me?

What would your deprived son think of how you are going to fail them as a parent?
What would your grandfather think of your flaming homosexuality and limp wrist?
What would jesus think of your degenerate lifestyle?

Have you ever thought that and cared? No.

>Have you asked your uncle about finding work?
I have, he's very helpful and always sends me links and stuff which I apply for but nothing ever lands and he just keeps encouraging me like usual.
I'm afraid, friend. I don't want to die in this place that I've suffered in my whole life. My family doesn't even want me to go but I've never even got to see what the world was like beyond this concrete jungle. I want to wake up one day, go outside, and feel like I'm alive for once. I once wanted a wife and kids along with the essentials like a car and a house and stuff but now I just want to go away and never come back. Life isn't supposed to be like this, it doesn't have to be like this.

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Oh yes you gave a one word reply and told me to rethink. I see the light now!

>Does that have a relevance to the veracity of my statements?
nope. just curious

not gonna read the rest of that shit though

Do you need more? You seem smart enough to figure it out on your own. I gave you a tip. That thought is wrong and it's holding you back. Take care friend.

Well i'm glad things aren't too dire for you. Look I know things are tough now. Do what it takes. Don't think about what it says about you. Don't think about what life is going to be like 20 years from now. Live in this moment. You're in a hectic point where there are a lot of possibilities, and it's pointless to suffer them all. Try to be rapacious and think outside of the box.

A dingo doesn't think about how what not catching an elk says about it existentially, or where he's going to be in 10 years, he's just hungry and trying to catch an elk. Suffer less, focus more. There are no consequences.
>though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.