I love tomboys!!!!

i love tomboys!!!!
do you, user?

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no i dont but thanks for asking

No I don't OP, I like my women very feminine, to the point she can't even think without crying in despair.

>do you, user

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tomboys make me very horny...

to each their own i guess

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They are pretty cool.

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>tomboy in 2022
> "Oh sweety you like boy's toys? You must be born in wrong body! Let's put you on hrt and cut off your breasts!"

>"Oh sweety you like boy's toys? You must be born in wrong body! Let's put you on hrt and cut off your breasts!"
this is the gayest timeline

I wanna be in the timeline where we all have tomboy gfs

i also wish to live in this timeline

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Yes but unfortunately they all think they are trans now because of feminism. I was plborn in the wrong timeline.

i hate this gay ass earth...

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that foregrip is fucking retarded, AK mags are nose-in rock-back and there's no enough room with that grip to reload. have fun with only 30 rounds dumbass. she's gonna get killed

All we can hope is for a complete societal collapse so we can regain our tomboy sweethearts. But that will never happen we are weak and have no control.


Tell me you don't know jack shit about guns without telling me you know jack shit about guns. Smh you are a complete moron. Kek

This is the greatest crime in the history of our species and nobody is doing anything to stop it.

Do not lose hope.
Remember Harambe.

Remember a meme that literally made zero changes in the world? Ffs with people as braindead as you on my side we are sure to lose.

I don't think i would survive a societal colapse without tomboy gf