At least i'm 18 and not old

at least i'm 18 and not old

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but ur
>hooked on drugs
>take brain scrambling ssris
>fuck rando pajeets
>mutilate yourself
>extremely mentally ill
and all before you even hit your 20s! good luck.

mostly lies, and pretty rich coming from you

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Make sure to use your time wisely, fren. Youth is fleeting

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i will try, but can't promise. thanks fren

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>be 23 yrs old
>have wrinkles/lines on my face and grey/white hair mixed with my natural black hair
>normies think I am in my 30s
>asked a normie why they think that about me...
>You dont act like any of the people in your age group
>More mature than them.

>t. future"at least I'm 45 and not elderly"

they arent lies though..

You will be.
And regret not doing anything lmao faggot

One day you're 18-years-old and shitposting on 4chinz, and then the next day you're 30 and still here

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i'm sorry to hear that desu. maybe you should have some fun and do something different sometime?
by 45 i'll probably have either made it or died
i'm not mentally ill, i don't fuck randos, i'm not hooked on any drugs. but yes, i'm black, on ssris, and a cutter :)

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bzzzzt! wrong!! you fucked a pajeet off of soc. admit it whore.

>i'm 18 and not old
Only if you're a male. If you're a female then HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH tick tock to roastieville

>i'm not mentally ill but i cut and take ssris

Please just fuck off from this site youve attention whored enough.

>i'm sorry to hear that desu. maybe you should have some fun and do something different sometime?
I forgot to mention too that I do have dark circles/bags under my eyes.
Like the "its the tired that sleep cant fix" or something like that...
I just feel dont fell like I dont belong in the social groups that they get involved in.
I just do my own things that I enjoy.

i really wish you zoomer retards would keep to your discord servers

>i will try, but can't promise
Yeah, that's all one can really do. Just try to keep the future in mind. I definitely didn't lol. Trying to turn things around now though. How ya been? You do the mushrooms yet?

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Today you are 18. Tomorrow you are 20. The next day you are 25.

change can happen any day
true, maybe
this is just moid cope
i've never been diagnosed with anything.
as long as you're happy with it, it sounded like it was upsetting to you
i'm doing ok, just working more and trying to plan for the future. i did do some of the shrooms and they were nice. i want to do more next time, and go outside, and do some stuff. how are things goung for you?

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i haven never once been active in a discord server. maybe one day i'll work up the nerve though
no, i like talking here

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>never diagnosed with anything
>takes ssris
i smell a big, fat, STINKING lie and its not just cause your an ape

I like the brown girl anime pics