Just made my mother cry because i told her that i might be mentally unwell

>just made my mother cry because i told her that i might be mentally unwell
i really am a piece of shit

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how is that your fault?

for me it's the opposite, my mother is always telling me i'm mentally unwell and i tell her no

not exactly the same but I feel pretty guilty towards my family as well

I had no issue being a dickhead to them when they weren't supportive but now I feel like a complete burden even though I'll be employed very soon and do my best to make up for it

how do you cope with this?

i didn't have to tell her, i could've sorted it out myself and never involved her
just idk, i don't want her to be surprised if anything happens, like dropping out of uni, or killing myself or something
lol, that blows too
probably worse
i was drinking, then i slept a lot, now i'm gonna for for a long walk and sleep i think

the first step in recovery is admitting you have a problem. the second is finding people who can support you. you did literally nothing wrong by finding support. you don't have to starve yourself of confirmation like society wants you to.

>family members too sensitive to accept that user has a problem
>user is discouraged from seeking help
>problem gets worse
they're really doing it to themselves

ig, it still feels bad, i just worry i won't be able to afford a psych and was thinking about asking for their help
i kinda knew this would happen, i had a mental health scare when i was 16, and she cried for months, and i can't help but feel at fault
idk, i just worry i'll never get better, and then i'll have dragged a bunch of other people into my shit for no reason
i'm talking to a therapist rn, she gave me a worrying informal diagnosis which i told to my mum
my therapist thinks i might be bipolar, and bpd, and have ptsd
(and maybe very slight psychotic features, which i didn't tell to my mum)

that's the problem with being independent, you can't nurse yourself back to health when you're stuck in bed sick with any serious disease, so why is it any different with mental issues? you will always need someone to support you when you're down and out, and plus it is kind of your mother's job to nurse you back to health

my mother told me "whatever you do, don't get diagnosed" because of future employability and stuff
idk, ig i'm just feeling bad, and idk how to cope rn
i just feel so horrible

that's 'work yourself to death' mentality, horrible advice.
best way to heal is to simply learn how to accept your issues by getting your mind off of them and focusing on something that will help with your development as a person. the passage of time will be your best friend as you learn more on how to be healthy with yourself.

no real cure
not real + even if real there is no cure
semi curable

just don't try to fixate on your diagnoses, don't go trying to label every thing you do being like "oh I'm being like this because bpd" etc

idk i still worry about it, and never being able to make money ever, i do want to be able to support a family in like a decade
it is just an informal diagnosis, but i feel kinda better?
but this good feeling does feel very fleeting
in a week i'll feel "i'm diagnosed, but so what"
idk, i'm not sure what to do, i'll see the therapist again in like 2 weeks ig
yeah, ig i might be fucked
i think the bpd and ptsd might be the same thing, since a lot of people say bpd is a direct trauma response, and it wouldn't shock me that rape would make me feel these fucked up ways

Why is crying such a horrible thing? It's ok to cry. You weren't being malicious. She cares about you.

because i've directly inflicted a very negative emotion onto my mother, and i knew that would happen but i did it anyways
ik it was probably a good thing to do, but it still makes me feel horrible

>tells mother you are sick
>does nothing to help in the end

my mother is a saint and i won't accept mother slander

some issues just aren't your problem

even if it wasn't, i still feel like i could've fixed this myself, and i'm fucking other people up for no reason
and dragging the people most dear to me into my cesspit of emotion
i'm like a big vat of noxious ooze, pulling everyone else in

i mean yeah what you're talking about is toxic positivity. wanting everything to be positive around you at all times is extremely toxic, and feeling like you're responsible for other people's happiness is beyond toxic as well.

well, ig i might be toxic then :/
i'm fine if other people feel bad, they do that a lot
i just don't want to cause harm to other people, that makes me feel bad