Slavic Girls

It is no secret that Slavic zoomer girls love Western men but which Slavic zoomer girls love Western men the most? In my opinion, Polish girls. What do you guys think?

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Give Estonian emo gf

Polish girls love indian and arab men

False, they love Spanish and Italian Erasmus students.

t. Prawdziwy polak

'ate sl*vs
simple as

Why do you hate them good sir?

slavic girls are literally made for BBC (Big Baltic Cock)

One day i was in the karaoke in VrChat then a slavic zoomer girl appeared and loved how i singed and my accent (i'm mexican lol) and she was my online gf for like 1 week lmao

Attached: 1576458027932.jpg (657x578, 31.34K)

British jails are made for Big (actually small) Baltic Cock. Slavic girls belong to Western Chads.

they ruined my country countless times

Polish cunts are nigger fuckers

What country? The men or the women? The men are fucking animals but the zoomer women generally integrate well.

>The men or the women?

westerners have smaller cocks because they are white
we have bigger because we are not white

To me all you motherfuckers are the same. We should only allow young Slavic women to immigrate to Western countries. The men should be forbidden from crossing the border.

Slav women smell so bad omg

We don't like western men. You're all faggots and trannies.

But Lithuania is not sl*vic

Lol what? Never heard this before. Why?

>It is no secret that Slavic zoomer girls love Western men
A russian girl my age (20) turned me down in college. This is bull honkey

Everything east of Germany is the same shit.

Cope harder Vladimir. Your young women love us.

so Finland Austria and Greece are also sl*v?
you disgusti me, uncultured vermin
how dare you call Greece sl*vic?