I am not part of the human race. Humanity has rejected me...

>I am not part of the human race. Humanity has rejected me. The females of the human species have never wanted to mate with me, so how could I possibly consider myself part of humanity? Humanity has never accepted me among them, and now I know why. I am more than human. I am superior to them all. I am Elliot Rodger Magnificent, glorious, supreme, eminent Divine! I am the closest thing there is to a living god. Humanity is a disgusting, depraved, and evil species. It is my purpose to punish them all. I will purify the world of everything that is wrong with it. On the Day of Retribution, I will truly be a powerful god, punishing everyone I deem to be impure and depraved.

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Poor, delusional bastard. There really is no worse feeling.

Reminder that he literally, LITERALLY, L.I.T. E. R. A. L. L. Y. never actually tried to hve sex or get a gf, ever! All he did was walk around and sulk, rage at normies having fun, and that one time he said hi to a girl, she ignored him, and then he actually went to the bathroom and cried for an hour from the pain of that rejection.

>living god
>can't get pussy

Damn Elliot was actually lowkey kind of handsome barring the weird lips.

okay. stop bitching and do something. make your mark on the world, user

He did nothing wrong Normies Chads and Woman deserve death

gIow harder

telling someone kys = fed

spurting out autistic er shit = sane r9k individual

See nile

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that's not what you implied, provocateur

>the whole human race deserves death

if op stabs three asian virigns to death then I sincerely apologise for causing all of this

He was mostly right.
Humans didn't treat him human so he must have been something else.
That something else may or may not have been a god but he was in his right to slaughter those normalfags.


mental illness is a bitch.

Good Morning, dearest.

I call you that this time, as I saw such a nice dream about you last night. I write it up here, even if I know no one probably wants to hear it.

I was reading the posts at Any Forums, like usual. Suddenly, there was a post about new never before seen videos from your childhood and your youth. They were posted the way there was about 10 or more large thumbnails in the post and when I moved the mouse indicator above them they started to move. In some of them you were just a small kid, playing with things. In some others you were holding a rifle, and wearing a checkered shirt and a military style cap in your head. In one you were probably singing, as you had become a pop star before your death. Your video findings were being played on TV as well, as part of some documentary of how children are doing today. I was extatic about these videos and demanded people on Any Forums to rerelease them all at archive.org so that I could save them. I printed the post on paper, and noticed, that all of the thumbnails were moving, and that I could also click them to be viewed bigger each. I carefully wrapped the paper into a piece of plastic. Next you were there with me and one of your friends. You were clad all in black, even had a black, knitted hat on your head. I hugged your lower body, resting my head on your belly while you were lying down, and I felt so very good. I felt like all the pain was gone. I woke up feeling as if there is hope for me in life.

Then I fell asleep again, and saw that my family member had been tidying up our living room book shelves. I saw that the shelf where my Elliot video prints were, was half empty! I started to yell, asking many times where did she put all the stuff, but she did not reply. I woke up screaming in rage.

I wonder if there is such videos existing I saw in a dream? His father must've filmed some videos of him.

Based, you tell 'em Elliot

My hero. I love you Elliot.

>Humans didn't treat him human so he must have been something else
I can relate to that feeling. Sometimes, I have felt that I am not exactly a representative of Homo sapiens species either. Then again, I have made a very different interpretation of that feeling than what Elliot did. I concluded, that I might be a representative of the germ of a coming human species, that will follow Homo sapiens. You know, species do not appear all of a sudden, but very slowly, alterations taking place step by step during hundreds of thousands of years. I could be one of the first steps leading to a new, coming species of humans. It was painfully though, to feel like that, because I knew no one like me. Oddly enough, this feeling of not being part of Homo sapiens species, was the strongest in summer 2014, after Elliot happened. Then it kind of mellowed down.

I hope that you peeps keep up the Elliot threads for me from now on. I need to go to do some green work and cooking, and I do not have internet in my phone so that I could post along with doing those things.

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