ITT: You are transported into isekai universe of the last game you played

ITT: You are transported into isekai universe of the last game you played

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COD MW2, am I going to be an army ranger or just a regular guy?

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>Pokemon (White 2)
Man, I wish. I'd take that deal any day of the week

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wow... just kill me now, wtf
I ran out of fun games to play

>divinity original sin 2
Could be worse I guess? Just started the game so I have no idea what'll happen.

>Dead Space

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well fuck

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What the fuck kind of Isekai would Cities: Skylines even be?

From personal experience I'd say a grid constantly on fire and with crime rates skyrocketing. All whilst I poison the communal water supply for the next three generations it's Detroit?

>on fire
Close. Chicago

Sonic Adventure 2

I am okay with this

only way out is through

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A walkable city but without niggers. Also the local government can bulldoze your house overnight to build a highway junction.

ayy not too bad

Too bad I dont have a drivers license

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> Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Yeah, I'll take that one.

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>half life 2
Uh.... BROS

Coulda picked an actual GOOD racing game, like NFSU

>We Happy Few
Basically just modern Britain except with fewer blacks and browns

You're so fucked, I pressed F.

>Amnesia:Dark Descent
just fucking kill me

Would go chill in the shire/ 10

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