Has anyone else noticed people have seriously degraded over 10 years

Has anyone else noticed people have seriously degraded over 10 years

I remember when neighbors used to just be people you see outside. Now everyone is an ass hole with a chip on their shoulder, inconsiderate, Karens everywhere.

I used to be the nicest person in the world now I want to blow everyones head off

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Welcome to adulthood, kiddo

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No retard adulthood doesnt make everyone a retarded dip shit around you

>Has anyone else noticed people have seriously degraded over 10 years
Yes. Life in general has gotten much more unpleasant for most people. That's why so many people identified with Arthur Fleck in "Joker."

Hello? The world ended in 2012. You're in hell with the other dipshits like yourself.

I know how you feel. I've had weird run-ins with people lately that make no sense. Some lady actually screamed at me from her car window because she didn't like my jacket. People are very tense and weird lately

Are you shitposting on our hell internet from your heaven puter?

>I used to be the nicest person in the world now I want to blow everyones head off
I'm too damn tired, lazy and miserable to blow anyone's head off. I'm lucky if I get annoyed at a video game anymore.

It be like that now

you're being gangstalked because they're envious of your mandela residue

You aren't funny at all but I guess on reddit you'd be


idk about you cunt, but when i go outside i wave at every dipshit i see out there i get smiles or
waves back and Im a fat ugly fuck. I dont care if i dont get a wave back or get a weird looks, fuck 'em if they don't, but cool if they do reciprocate. maybe if you dropped your shitty attitude people would be happier to see you.

Yeah but karens are kinda hot bro

i posted about this on a video about how women aren't approachable in gyms. it's because people are already apathetic to begin with in cities.
if you were to wave or nod or smile at people the moment they come into your eye sight, shit would be much different.
women sure as FUCK dont do that shit, so they shouldn't be crying about how people are creepy. neither people break ice, they're both apathetic creeps.

it's because the western world is in decline. militant feminism and disrespectful cunts in general, niggers and other thirdworlders, asian region has constantly been stealing our tech for decades and continuously eat our meals year after year, no religion anymore or strong family morals so no one knows how to properly behave towards each other in a nice society, corrupt politicians who seemingly can do whatever the fuck they want completely in the open, murder is illegal so you can't kill cheating or disrespectful whores, you can't kill your bullies either so you just have to live with them bullying you consequence-free for years, scheming kikes continuously trying to make everything even worse because when everything is shit then they have an easier time blending in while doing their dastardly work.... i don't know, bro, where do you want me to begin?

Everything has gotten worse over the past 10 years.





>tv and films

>video games


>Any Forums


It's genuinely fucking over. The world ended somewhere in between 2012 and 2016, there's no doubt about it. Everything from the late 2010s onwards is so fucking gay, fake and awful, it simply CANNOT possibly be real.

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Are you American though?

I went out of my way to avoid seeing or talking to my neighbors even when they were nicer

>>video games
I don't know man. We got elden ring, ghost recon breakpoint, astroneer, nier automata and a bunch others I've genuinely enjoyed. Sure the market is saturated by microtransaction zoomer dopamine rush shit, but overall I think games are pretty good, indie scene is better and stronger than it's ever been.


Depends who you ask we were coming out of a big crash 10 years ago. Its going really good for people holding stocks and houses right now

>elden ring

Muh heckin souls shit