VR Games

>26 years old and have no job
>Just sit in my house playing VR games to emulate work
>Go for a run everyday to fight my cancer

I've been getting into VorpX
Does anyone else here have any good VR Games to play?


I would say these are my top VR games:
1. Blood Trail
2. Contractors VR
3. GTA IV VR (VorpX)
4. Nights into Dreams VR (VorpX)
5. Resident Evil 4 VR
6. Puzzle Bobble VR

Attached: GTAIVVR.png (1146x756, 320.92K)

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superhot is good, or at least I heard so

Pavlov is pretty fun desu. There's also emuvr but I don't really see the point when it's easier to just emulate normally. My favorite rhythm game is ragnarock though. It's fun smashing drums while headbanging. Deep rock galactic and risk of rain 2 also have vr mods but I haven't tried them. There's also vrchat and all the activities you can do there but that's a whole nother can of worms to get into. I'll look into the games you suggested though.

Attached: VRChat_1920x1080_2022-07-06_19-04-41.157.png (1478x832, 1.82M)

I didn't know about emuvr

ive played vrchat for thousands of hours now....

i need to get out of this hell hole but i look good in vr

There's not much life to live, but I'm living it

i was initially pretty hyped for vr but now that i've tried it, my excitement for it has faded, somewhat. current vr is pretty limited, still. i hope facebook or some giga company makes a cheap version of the roller thingy that makes you able to fully walk around in vr. not being able to freely walk or run in vr really kills the experience, i have to say.

I just move my feet up and down and run in place. It fixes a lot of the immersion.

i really like into the radius, its STALKER basically

I tried it it felt very funny to me.
Like the guy that made it was really mean spirited. He kept showing me pictures of girls and talking about space-time. I only made it through the tutorial and then I quit.

i will only fuck with VR when it gets past the smartphone level of proprietary slavery. VR should be straight up hardware like a computer, just a platform to experience digital output and input. the fact there are account requirements, logins, headset-specific games and programs - THAT is fucking gay and that is a BAD step toward getting any real games and shit out of VR worth dropping the money on

They have every flatscreen first person game in VR though. It's actually a very cool experience.

you can technically buy rollers now that supposedly do an adequate job of making you move in vr. i forgot the name but i know it exists because i saw something about on youtube once.

I actually saw one where they convert every step you take up or down into a step in VR, and it works with every video game including GTA IV Vorpx.


I'm not sure if it's good though

that's the thing, in WHICH VR though? the fact that has to be said annoys me to no end. i don't want to have to have a "mac VR" to play the "mac VR" games and a "windows VR" to play the "windows VR" games and a "facebook VR" to play the "facebook VR" games. i want a VR headset i can plug into my machine and do VR things with - without an account, without a sign in, without forced internet connectivity

I understand that very well because the NSA like to unplug my Oculus Quest 2 headset, and the Oculus Quest 2 people like to watch me play video games and block me from doing certain things with my headset.

I would say if you want total disconnect probably get one of those Valve Index headsets or a HTC Vive Pro 2


I think Facebook is very corrupt and very pro-NSA/spyware, so you're right to want to play offline.

thanks man that's what i was talking about exactly. i swapped over to linux after an unfortunate "upgrade" to windows 11 in not even 3 fucking weeks, and i am a total technological retard. i HATE fucking glowniggers getting into my shit, microsoft/apple/zog incorporated types most of all

They're very criminal people. I don't blame you. I didn't even do anything and they want to unplug my internet connection and stop me from opening files and folders on my Windows 11 OS.

It's worse than it was in Windows 8

Honestly I've really gotten into chasing high scores in H3VR's (Hotdogs, Horseshoes and Handgrenades) take and hold mode. Your top two games are shooters so I think you'll like it. Honestly the best gunplay of any VR game I've played.
It has a mod manager now that makes modding it piss easy, NATO nate and PMC pete are top tier.

Attached: Screenshot_61.png (788x893, 797.77K)

Looks great thanks

So Any Forums, who wants to be lonely together in vrchat?

tfw too paranoid, socially awkward and skitzo to even chill with people in vrc

That's how it was for me at first and still is too an extent. It has helped me to open up a lot however. I've had a lot of fun and made some good friends. I honestly feel more comfortable hanging out with anons from here though compared to the other boards though. The offer is extended if you ever want to hang out.

Attached: njils.png (1280x720, 881.8K)