What vidya does Any Forums like to play?

what vidya does Any Forums like to play?

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I like cock of doody but can't be bothered to install the 3000 Gb of bullshit needed to play it now. Also I fucked up my caffeine tolerance slurping gamer fuel in 2020, and it hasn't gotten back to baseline since

too broke to play any actual games, so i only have roblox and stalker anomaly

I just bought Assassins Creed Odyssey and Valhalla in the Microsoft sale.
Currently playing Valhalla, enjoying it so far... even though I got 30 hours into the game then deleted all my saves and started again for basically no reason at all.

Cringy tranny meme, troons are not welcome in cs and you will forever and ever be called a man there (and Valve will support this decision)

video games are awful

been playing a lot of starcraft customs with the lads lately
and 13 sentinels aegis rim, undernaurs labyrinth of yomi, and dragon age origins for singleplayer playthoughs as of late
how about you user

cities skylines loaded to the brim with mods and dlc's

Binged the entire Resident Evil series over the last two years. Excellent games, very glad I played them all finally.

Shitposting in the Resident Evil generals on Any Forums is one of my favourite pastimes.

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Frogun is good

I play Fortnite but I don't like it

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usually valorant or LoL but I been having fun shitpostin again so I picked up civ 5 to play on my 2nd monitor. might redownload binding of issac

Right now nothing but I liked to play Blue Archive (Gacha) and Smash

this honestly
it feels like im the only femboy playing that game

rocket league cause i'm a major autist

valorant. thats it. im not even good at it

minesweeper project sekai and project diva

I don't even care anymore. They do nothing for me now. Literally thousands of hours of my teens sank into that shit. Never getting that back.

Monster hunter world and elden ring

I play littlebigsnake.com which is basically just multiplayer snake. Also like playing my gameboy sp, switch, zoo tycoon, minecraft, tetris, phone games like triple town and some word games. Also I'm really into mario kart and I used to like animal crossing and stardew valley but I find them boring now. I'd rather garden in real life

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A friend gifted me L4D2 recently so I've been playing it with her and some other people a fair bit
I also enjoy GoW 2018
I've been trying to play less vidya though, it feels like a waste of time I could be using to get other stuff done