Before I got a girlfriend...

Before I got a girlfriend, having a gf seemed like the most incredible heaven on earth experience I could ever imagine and it made me so mad and depressed that I was robbed of that joy. Now I have had a gf for over a year and it it just feels kinda mundane? Don't get me wrong I love my gf and we have great times together, but its crazy how different the real experience of being in a relationship is compared to the incel ropefuel I believed before.

So if you are like I was and constantly seething that you don't have a gf, just know that once you do you'll be kinda bored really quickly and nothing else will change. Anyone else have this experience?

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>Anyone else have this experience?
>is in r9k

I hope your relationship falls apart user.

Stop reminding me of her

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This but with the genders reversed is my ideal relationship

I hope she getting fucked by a BBC

Pretty much. I had two relationship and I don't think having a gf is worth it. Being alone is comfier.

It's mundane because you're a boring loser. Believe it or not, other people are 24/7 in heaven in their relationship, because they are better people than you.

There are times I actively dislike my partner. Not because of anything she has done, just because she is there and I want to be alone. She is a solid 7, charming and caring. There is nothing objectively wrong with our relationship but occasionally I will have days where I have no energy or patience even to speak to her. This happens with almost all of my relationships.

Not him, but imagine actually writing this down and then posting it.
lol even.

>just know that once you do you'll be kinda bored really quickly and nothing else will change

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It has nothing to do with hedonism, it is simply one of the most elementary human conditions, getting used to things. This adaptability is both blessing and the curse of mankind.

Wdym? Writing down and posting facts?

No, I feel much happier now that I have a bf
I feel bad for straightfags, women are clearly just inferior partners

The funny part is that normies come over here to tell you about this all the time, but you fags dismiss it because you're depressed and think that there's a magic cure that will fix all your problems. Same with sex.
Welcome to the real world kiddo.

Any gf-havers in this thread or in this board. GET OUT!!! IT'S ROBOT9001, NOT NORMIE9001!!!

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lmao just don't adapt

lol this ios literally me

Is having hot running water and using a smart phone mundane to you?

Most of the world doesn't have that and they dream about it every day. We only pine for what we don't have, that's human nature.

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You are too late Spiderman, I have already obtained the gf

No, I love my wife.
Get married or get the fuck off my board
>I don't have a ball and chain
oh no!

>i love my wife
You don't have any wife.

>You don't have any wife.
That's a weird way to write that. I have enough wife, Anonymous: one.