Im in an impossible situation. Let me set the stage. I'm a balding, 22 year old virgin...

Im in an impossible situation. Let me set the stage. I'm a balding, 22 year old virgin, with genuine good *pretty boy* looks. I am stuck in an untangle web of issues regarding the balding problem. Let me run you through it.
>1) just shave it bro
I have cutis verticis gyrata. Full stop, diagnosed. I would look like a circus freak.
>2) get a hair transplant
I have been on finasteride and minoxidil for years and *lost* ground. I am only 22. Im simply not a candidate for a hair transplant. Only the shadiest of money-hungry doctors would accept me, and the result would be disastrous.
3) get a hair system/toupee/hair piece
I have sebderm. It's only on my face at the moment, but I would imagine glueing a wig onto my scalp and trapping all that sweat without the ability to clean it for 7-10 days would result in a MASSIVE flareup of sebderm rashes and flakiness.
What the fuck am I supposed to do? My life would genuinely be really fun if I had hair. I would be a cute looking guy. I would fuck actually hot artsy girls, and they would actually desire my cock. I want to Jill myself over this.

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Kys its over

Wear hats, faggot.

Looks like you're forced to take the "Chad embrace it path"
I hope you're good at tooling around

I would rather kill myself, full stop. Anyone would. It's insane how much these interconnected web of issues ruined my life. If even one didn't exist I would be able to live a completely happy life. It almost makes me feel religious, I unironically feel spiritually targeted.

That's not a solution at all. It's a bandaid to avoid insane embarrassment in public

Is there an expensive surgery out there that could completely clean this up?

Life is cruel, simple as. I used to be good looking and had a facial injury in a freak sports accident which made me ugly. The answer is literally just that life sucks and is unfair. A duck that gets shot by hunters did nothing to deserve its fate, it just happened. That's what happened to us. The universe is unfeeling, uncaring, and unjust. There is no God in the traditional sense and we simply got unlucky. The soul crushing, unsatisfactory explanation is that we simply got unlucky and that's it, the end.

Try looking at it another way. If you were a completely handsome man, you could end up seduced into fatherhood and/or marriage.

By giving you this gift of celibacy, God in His mercy is saving you from the evil attentions of the lesser sex.

OP, I have only one question for you

>If you grow out your (balding) hair, is it still enough to essentially cover up your medical condition and allow you to pass as a normal person?

If so, you ought to count your blessings. There are plenty of people out there who have medical conditions that disfigure them in a way that can't be concealed at all, if you just have to put up with the boomer balding donut look, that kinda sucks but it could really be a lot worse.

The results are spotty, and your scalp still looks lumpy and unorthodox afterwards - granted there is improvement. However, it would be expensive + CVG is a progressive condition, meaning it always gets worse, meaning it would likely end up resurfacing cosmetically again.

Hey man I've been looking into this for myself.
First, Toppik. It works like magic, just use it. You have to use hairspray afterwards and don't go swimming, and hope it doesnt rain. But 90% of the time it'll make you look great.
Next, consider trying oral minoxidil, 2.5 or 5mg. It's more effective than topical but not as safe. But what have you got to lose desu. Personally I never took finasteride because of the sexual side effects.
I also have sebderm. I'm not gonna recommend any treatments because you've probably tried them all, but getting a hair system is probably your best shot regardless.

>cutis verticis gyrata
Can't you go to a surgeon? They might be able to do something

Wouldn't a hair system be a nightmare for someone with sebderm

could have prevented it by not eating like a normie. Basedciety denies this.

It should be fine. Well beats being bald at least

i feel bad for you user :(

Got the same problem but i dont have a wrinkly head i have flat head syndrome. I look like a thumb

I won't downplay that. Going bald is bad enough. Get a hair system or if you still have a lot of hair try finasteride.

Then stop giving a fuck. I swear to god all of you wish you were paralyzed so you imitate it by crippling yourselves mentally. Nobody gives a fuck about you. Nobody is even thinking about you. When you go outside and people glance at you, it's because you're in the area, not because they want anything to do with you. They are too self-absorbed with themselves to give a damn.

The worst part about going bald is on some level it strips away your individuality, that's not to say hair is the only thing that defines you but once you lose it... you're just another bald guy.