It's over. Bills are up. Inflation is up...

It's over. Bills are up. Inflation is up. The folks with all the capital are running back home and they're pulling every rug they can. Homeownership was unlikely before and its pretty much a fairytale now. Can anybody stop this?

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Hmmm. Can you help me figure out why nobody goes to church anymore?

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It's not over for people with actually valuable skills

How does it benefit anyone? There's no social circles or communities anymore. You work and then you work some more if you want anything out of life besides roomates and public transportation. Who the fuck has time to ask people in the sky for happy thoughts? The homeless? Are bums religious?

oh...that's good...

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How valuable? I make in the top 10% of incomes in Canada and it's only half as much as I'd need for a mortgage where I live. I could quite and move to a rural area but then I have no job and there are no jobs there.


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It's almost like an entire generation of Boomers made their children feel like church is mandatory joyless homework and prevented them from forming an actual relationship with God

>talk about wealth inequality
>its either your fault or no one owes you anything even though the government desperately relies on you paying taxes as well as everyone with social security

info: none of that 60s positive thinking bs is worth anything. pure stress reading this saying "don't be stressful" helps
what a load of shit. who the fuck would work in those sinks

because xtians are fucking evil
all the US mega churches are the source of far right violence in europe. supplying weapons et.c who the fuck wants to know 'christians' christians 'free pass' they are without a doubt the most evil fucked up people on the planet.

It is worth something, user. Bullshit exercises like this means that when a Fulfillment Centre Worker goes an hero, the lawyers can go "nuh uh, we put Mindfulness software on their workstations".

>mum and dad own house.
>gonna lose it because the inheritence tax will cost too much.

Found the 20 y/o collegefag resentful at his parents for making him go to church when he was younger. Go spend a few years living in a Muslim fundamentalist country and tell me if you still think Christians are the most fucked up people on Earth.

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Why do they even pretend it's helpful? It's nothing.

The screen should have an angry Amazon box-man looking down at employees and force them to repeat:
>I am worthless. I am trash. I am grateful for the opportunity to stack boxes for such a wonderful employer.
>This is the best I can do. I deserve less than this. To complain is to be ungrateful. The ungrateful don't deserve a salary.

Aren't you jealous of Theocratic countries? Is the offer to go there so we can see what you have in store for the rest of us once you manage to gain control?

Muslim countries are a warning of what happens when you let theocrats, priests, clerics, and imams run a nation. That's why we have to fight to keep religion powerless. Mormons are already massing money for something, and it's not good.

I'm not even religious, I just don't like you edgy faggot ledditors who go into dramatics about how Christians are the worst thing to ever happen to humanity while ignoring other groups/religions that are demonstrably worse. It's an anti-white, anti-West sentiment trying to pretend it's not. You have to go back hundreds of years to find Christians using their religion to excuse fucked up behavior that Muslims record themselves doing and upload to the internet today, yet the same people who constantly bitch about Christians will never hold Muslims to the same standard.

>It's an anti-white
Fuck you. This whole website is white, most of the internet is white. Stop with that victimization shit, Bubba. Why the fuck you tie Christianity into whiteness is beyond me, is that some kind of Stormfront thing? We aren't talking about Muslims, we aren't even discussing the third world, we're talking about church and the destruction of our own economy. Whattaboutism is shit arguing and a distraction from the topic at hand.

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I am just in complete awe how my external reality has been one stumbling block after another. What the absolute fuck.

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Bee brave, user

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When people can't sell their houses and property taxes keep rising houses will become affordable again.

Fucking Hobbitton real estate antics

cute wagie

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muslims and christians are two sides of the same shitty coin. you think you're different but fundamentally you buy into the same kind of horseshit. they are just more violent