At what age is it over for you if you haven't made it?

At what age is it over for you if you haven't made it?

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if you have to ask, it's already over

30. You just look back at other young adults half your age doing better than you.

It is never too late, unless you give up. Which most of you probably will.

But you could be a top G.

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25 probably, things wouldnt be completely over but id be getting increasingly worried that life wasnt turning out how id hoped

It's literally never too late to get exactly what you want out of life.

20-25. after that nobody is interested in making new friends and if you didn't spend these years having kids, being in a long term relationship or getting a 5+ bodycount people cringe thinking about you.

>to get exactly what you want out of life.
I want to have a functional childhood.

>absent dad
>crazy mother
rigged from the start.
i never have anything in common with people who never once in their life hated the idea of going home or never pondered what it all was for since they didn't enjoy most of it.

The day you die is the only day you can't turn your life around.

is this a California thing

21, though you only really realise it when you get to 24/25. It's not a sudden realisation that it's over, just a slow creeping in of apathy and hopelessness until you get to the point where all effort feels utterly futile and you realise you have no hope, no plans and no expectation of it every getting any better.

its the root of social life.
everything has exeptions except this.
that one guys who is 26, smokes weed all day, unemployed and lives with his parents yet still had friends and gfs vs the guy who moved out early, has his own house and a steady job but haven't had friends since high school and never touched a female breast.
which is more cringe?

25 was where reality hit me. 26, turning 27 now and if I don't have a decent job and have had non paid for sex by my 29th birthday I'm going to go on welfare and drink myself to death

the same age when you decide to give up i think. i was a robot until 30, was living with my parents, no gf, little to no friends. but when i've moved out things changed drastically: i have several circles of friends, hobbies, and even tho im still cringy when it comes to girls im getting laid from time to time and been in functioning relationship for a half a year.
so its not over till its over.

economies of scale and self reliance will be the sinews of your lifestyle.
the professional alcoholics i met made their own hooch in bulk

they don't seem inadequate at first glance
why would any of them result embarrassing to other people

>all these teenagers thinking you can turn your life around after 30
after you turn 25 your pool of friends, if you had any, will disintegrate because everyone gets so jaded and full of themselves they spend all day talking shit about everyone who has backbone and isn't exactly like them. there isn't anything to argue about here literally living life and aging you'll experience this and there is no way out of it until you are over 40 and people realize that they spent their entire 30s waiting for time to pass and that they need to talk to people again.

the latter has bought himself some independence, the former lives a low stress life

both of them losers but the latter makes people wonder what the point of his life is.

>At what age is it over for you if you haven't made it?
Usually mid-20s.
With a lot of luck, late 20s up to 30-31.