How do we stop the porn industry?

How do we stop the porn industry?

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Why don't you go pray about it?

Actively demonize it from society and ridicule anyone who openly talks about it. Further more stop the emphasis on feminization being about beauty and lust but, rather that of child bearing. Reminder that the people who watch porn significantly view relationships that are skewed towards sex rather than love. And women are a product of the current state of men. Remove Jews from their positions of prominence and the porn industry will only rely on the fringes of the interwebs to get it's vile stuff across.

Also if it wasn't for this place I would've never had an addiction. (though not to the scale that some of you had nor the period of time) I manage to find solace that people used to laugh at me for not knowing the name of a pornstar. Anywho I wish you guys the best of luck in fighting your own urges and encouraging other to do the same. Whether or not the action of masturbation is inherently degradative on both your physical appearance and mental psyche is irrelevant because at the end of the day you still wasted hours beating off to another man fucking the girl you always wanted.

With rape, of course

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Your picture slayed me.

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Create a virus that lowers the male libido down to that of a female.

Because short of that or a Global Nazi takeover. You will never stop the porn industry.

Nuke the planet?
Porn will exist as long as humanity exists.

Right? OP might as well have asked out to eliminate greed, sloth, wrath, and envy from the hearts of men.

It wasn't an issue until it was transmitted over high speed internet.

Spread awareness about how bad it is.

Mindgeek owns Pornhub. They have several data centers between NA and Europe.

I support porn because I hate women and I feel like in some roundabout way men being porn addicts hurts women. I'm tired and I don't feel like thinking hard about the validity of that viewpoint so I'm just going to accept it as being correct. Porn is good. I hope more men go MGTOW and become lazy neet faggots who COOM all day instead of being "responsible" and chasing women. Fuck women.

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What would porn be if no one watched it?

Good evening. I can respect that view.

>doesn't seek to eliminate greed, sloth, wrath, and envy from the hearts of men
>conspicuously left out gluttony, lust, and pride

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For those who don't know:

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That's fair. At least you recognize that porn is harmful to society

zoomer doesnt remember porno mags in gas stations

End male sexlessness.

My dad's barber used to have hella porno mags in his shop and they would let me chill and read them while he got his haircut. Good times.

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>Actively demonize it from society and ridicule anyone who openly talks about it.
This backfired on the anti-coomers so hard it's hilarious, they come across as closested faggots who hate women for being naked.

>Remove Jews from their positions of prominence and the porn industry will only rely on the fringes of the interwebs to get it's vile stuff across.
Yet the Jews are stronger than ever. I'm beginning to think the Jews introduced the JQ to Any Forums just to well poison it.

I went a whole year of NOFAP and no porn and realized there wasn't any significant change in my life besides me just being pissed off and stressed out over literally anything.
Now that I just let loose and fap every once and a while, things are better.
NOFAP is PYSOP designed to created raging young males used for political controlled opposition. But that's how I see it.

I feel porn does what women hate -- give them standards. When guys watch porn and see what sex could be like if women weren't lying about their desires, they would women to those standards.
Not letting her blow Chad and then try to say she doesn't like blowjobs with other men.
Porn makes men hold women sexually accountable because we see what women act like when they let loose and have zero inhibitions.

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