Femanon Personality Disorder Thread

Femanon Personality Disorder (FPD) is defined by the Any Forums Psychiatric Association as a personality disorder characterized by a pattern of excessive attention-seeking, usually beginning in early adulthood with exposure to imageboards, including but not limited to:

>[ ] Camwhoring
>[ ] Promiscuity
>[ ] Watching anime
>[ ] Weeabooism
>[ ] Playing video games, especially MOBAs and Nintendo titles
>[ ] Piercings
>[ ] Tattoos
>[ ] Candy-colored hair
>[ ] Doing "sex work"
>[ ] Doing cosplay or "lolita fashion" / "j-fashion"
>[ ] Strained relationship with father
>[ ] Regularly watching porn
>[ ] Abuse issues in her past
>[ ] Enjoys extreme rape fantasies

Attached: dHPaL6k.jpg (599x337, 20.11K)

Basically the regular thot but with avpd ( and it's consequences)?

you forgot "having a penis"

>[x] Camwhoring (only in the past
>[x] Promiscuity
>[x] Watching anime
>[x] Weeabooism
>[x] Playing video games, especially MOBAs and Nintendo titles
>[x] Piercings
>[x] Tattoos
>[x] Candy-colored hair
>[ ] Doing "sex work"
>[x] Doing cosplay or "lolita fashion" / "j-fashion"
>[x] Strained relationship with father
>[x] Regularly watching porn
>[x] Abuse issues in her past
>[x] Enjoys extreme rape fantasies

Are we really so cookie cutter? I genuinely thought we weren't like other girls lol.

>I genuinely thought we weren't like other girls lol.
this is actually very good

Attached: 1628098242072.png (1597x1600, 532.09K)

I will do this when I get home

Unironically: You (femanons) aren't like other girls. You're much, much worse (sluttier, trashier, more vapid, more shallow, more mentally ill etc).

>[ ] Camwhoring
>[ ] Promiscuity
>[ ] Watching anime
>[ ] Weeabooism
>[ ] Playing video games, especially MOBAs and Nintendo titles
yes, no to the second half
>[ ] Piercings
one on nose
>[ ] Tattoos
>[ ] Candy-colored hair
>[ ] Doing "sex work"
>[ ] Doing cosplay or "lolita fashion" / "j-fashion"
>[ ] Strained relationship with father
meh depends how you define it
>[ ] Regularly watching porn
>[ ] Abuse issues in her past

don't have it, nice

Attached: 556789.png (1496x1370, 1.27M)

none of these apply. should've put neuroticism and unable to form genuine connections

Huh, that chick in OP's pic (yes, she is actually a real girl) is someone I recognize from this board but I can't recall her name.

>[X ] Camwhoring
>[X ] Promiscuity
>[X ] Watching anime
>[X ] Weeabooism
>[X ] Piercings
>[X ] Tattoos
>[X ] Candy-colored hair
>[X ] Doing "sex work"
>[X ] Doing cosplay or "lolita fashion" / "j-fashion"
>[X ] Strained relationship with father
>[X ] Abuse issues in her past
>[X ] Enjoys extreme rape fantasies

I don't really watch porn or play video games but the rest is correct.

>with avpd ( and it's consequences)?
Those are BPD symptoms (with e-girl characteristics) not AVPD.

>[X] Camwhoring
Wait Twitch is camwhoring right
>[X] Promiscuity
>[X] Watching anime
>[X] Weeabooism
>[X] Playing video games, especially MOBAs and Nintendo titles
>[X] Piercings
>[X] Tattoos
>[X] Candy-colored hair
>[ ] Doing "sex work"
>[X] Doing cosplay or "lolita fashion" / "j-fashion"
>[X] Strained relationship with father
>[N/A] Regularly watching porn
>[X] Abuse issues in her past
>[N/A] Enjoys extreme rape fantasies
I dont know about her lewd habits obviously but my coworker fits the profile. Fortunately I dont even think she knows what Any Forums is so I don't think she posts here. Unfortunately she has a princess complex and not only does she think she's entitled to everything being her way I have never once heard her say thank you nor have I heard of any instance that she has done anything for anybody else, not even when she talks about her friends

Attached: 1641991354836.jpg (1080x1077, 156.34K)

Why do they all hate their dads?

>has checkboxes
>writes answers underneath them
[X] Dumb

>[o] Camwhoring
>[;)] Promiscuity
>[o] Watching anime
>[/jp/] Weeabooism
>[o] Playing video games, especially Nintendo titles
>[x] Piercings (earrings if they count?)
>[x] Tattoos
>[x] Candy-colored hair
>[x] Doing "sex work"
>[o] Doing cosplay
>[x] Strained relationship with father
>[x] Regularly watching porn
>[x] Abuse issues in her past
>[x] Enjoys extreme rape fantasies

I don't want to be mean OP but have you ever considered that different people are different?

Don't forget "has a penis". That part is equally important.

let me see
>[:D ] Camwhoring
>[ :D ] Promiscuity
>[ :D ] Watching anime
>[ :D ] Weeabooism
>[ :D ] Playing video games, especially MOBAs and Nintendo titles
>[ :D ] Piercings
>[ ] Tattoos
>[ ] Candy-colored hair
>[ used to but not now ] Doing "sex work"
>[ : D ] Doing cosplay or "lolita fashion" / "j-fashion"
>[ ] Strained relationship with father
>[ ] Regularly watching porn
>[ ] Abuse issues in her past
>[ ] Enjoys extreme rape fantasies

Great way to lure us all in
We love surveys
>[ x] Camwhoring
>[x ] Promiscuity
>[x ] Watching anime
>[ ] Weeabooism
>[ x] Playing video games, especially MOBAs and Nintendo titles
>[ ] Piercings
>[ ] Tattoos
>[ x/ kinda colored but not candy] Candy-colored hair
>[x ] Doing "sex work"
>[x ] Doing cosplay or "lolita fashion" / "j-fashion"
>[x/ kinda ] Strained relationship with father
>[x ] Regularly watching porn
>[ ] Abuse issues in her past
>[ ] Enjoys extreme rape fantasies

U forgot being extremely hot [xxx]

He is a good dad, bad man and bad husband tho

>most posters have candy colored hair
Thank God for aposematism. You bitches are insane.