How come alleged failed self-improvement incels never seem to post pictures? I'm convinced that they're all larping

How come alleged failed self-improvement incels never seem to post pictures? I'm convinced that they're all larping.

>t-t-trust me guys I totally worked out and dressed better and nothing happened

Yet never post an image of their bodies or fits. Knowing the typical incel mindset, I'm under the impression that most just workout for a couple months, buy some random new clothing, and then give up.

Are there any good examples of failed self-improvement incels who posted proof of their progress, or does self-improvement remain the undisputed antidote to inceldom?

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I wouldnt say I failed, I kinda just retired and live easy now

Attached: 6BB90780-15C8-45E6-829B-AB8016794E56.png (750x1334, 1.3M)

well first of all posting pictures of yourself isn't allowed on this board

I'm talking about incel forums and other boards, not here specifically

when you think about it, incels are very rare. the majority of proclamaied 'incels' are ones who could fix their involuntary celibacy.
some would exert more effort to fix it, some would less. in any case, they could fix their incelibacy, however, this just goes against what an incel should actually be.
by saying that you're an INVOLUNTARY CELIBATE, you're just supposed to be celibate. if you think youre an 'incel' because youre fat, poor, only goes for women leagues above you, and but otherwise not disabled, then you're not incel but voluntarily celibate as you could fix that shit.
to be really an incel, you must be supposed to be, so EXTRAORDINARILY unattractive, that you're not able to attract women

tldr; 'incels' aren't incels, just a shitton of bunch of lazy fucks

I went from 240 lbs to 170. but it doesn't matter, no matter how long I worked out, you'd say I obviously hadn't done it long enough. There's never any point in your worldview at which you will accept "Well, I worked out and talked to people and it didn't make me happier". Do it for six months and you'll say it has to be a year. Do it for a year and you'll say it has to be two years. Do it for two years and you'll say it has to be five years. Since it's an article of faith for you. You have a religious devotion to it. No real-world events can dissuade you from what you believe.

If you have a six pack and reasonably defined arms I'd say that's enough. But I'm guessing you don't have that, am I right?

I did for about two years. In my late 20s I made a big improover effort, that as then I worked out regularly, dropped all that fat, made an effort to talk to people, and eventually got a job.

and it was horrible, I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

they leave the website lol
are you slow?

you can liftmaxxx from being a manlet Ive seen lanky skinny fuckers with hot girlfriend just because they were north of 6'5. and also just because your ripped dose not mean you can hold a conversation with a woman. i can imagine a liftbro incel going up to a woman and going 'so yea i lift you work on your gluts doing squats? yea girl look at my biceps'. the woman would just roll her eyes and walk away user kek

i don't really believe that, some do but probably a decent amount don't. if you've spent a good amount of time somewhere, especially where you felt understood you would more than likely still return.

Also stimulation overdose? When you are in the hyper reality of vidya and media, real mundane life seems boring. Reset yourself. Get off it.

>most workout for a couple months
I have been working out 5x a week for 5 years now and lift multiple X my body weight

if you work out for a couple of months and see no body progress whatsoever, then that's concerning. I worked out for 4 months and saw nothing. Gaining muscle is apparently incredibly difficult, if not impossible for some people

>How come alleged failed self-improvement incels never seem to post pictures?
It's considered poor form to post images of yourself outside of your social media bubble you fucking normalfaggot. On top of that why would anyone post pictures of themselves on an incel website when they're villainised like the new Al-Qaeda?

kill yourself retard
if you're ugly and don't excel in the social skills department it's over in today's dating market, you don't have to look like the elephant man

No it just means you have no patience or realistic expectations of a goal. Also I bet your workout sessions were a joke. Four months is not long enough to learn how half of he machines work or the proper form for most lifts and it definitely is not long enough for you to learn your own body, provided you werent an athlete already and very in tune with your muscles

nope. i knew all the machines very well, and i gave it my all. saw zero gains. if you wanna claim that it takes years to gain anything, well we'll never know, but more importantly at that point, the juice isn't worth the squeeze

gymmaxxing is a meme it's all about the face and there's plenty of gymcels to prove it
>but muh six pack
women could hardly give a fuck about that if you're 5'5 or just plain ugly

Just lose fat dumbass. Women don't give a fuck about muscles, it's only the fags on fit who will mire you. This thread was made by a gymrat, their board is filled with gymcels.
If you are low fat and still an incel congratulations you're ugly and a six pack won't do shit. Your face is ugly.

No you are an actual retard and I feel very confident saying that, your confidence shouldnt be as high as it is considered you failed something and are no stronger in the process. Before two years in the gym (regularly) you are a novice just like most things in life?
You want to be a vet of the gym? Try putting years into it and actual research learning and taking advice from other people (me) who have results and not only subpar results but really spectacular results and get compliments from strangers and get confused for personal trainers at the gym you work at and be bigger and stronger than the personal trainers and eventually get accused of being on anabolic drugs when you are still natty (I might do drugs because they work)

Shut your fucking weak faggot mouth right now

losing fat is similarly difficult. im skinny although i have some abdominal fat and no abs showing. to lose this fat i would have to starve myself which is painful, debilitating, and mentally not really achievable

>just do it for years, bro

yeah, no. not worth it at that point

Looking like a roid monkey doesn't make you more attractive than being skinny

This kind of mindset makes me angry I cant explain why. I just have so much ethic that your complete lack of ethic disgusts me and I resent that we would be classified as the same species.
Although I am much closer to a man (see Arnold Swaezanigger) and you look more like a banana slug. So we arent the same species in my eyes

Why because you have ever been a Roid monkey? Or because you are skinny and get so many chicks lol

i only care about attracting women. asking me to commit to something i don't particularly enjoy for years, just to attract a woman, is ridiculous

> it's all about the face
very true, if you're 5'5" with a real good mug on you you'll be fine. you might not get the hottest girls ever but still some cuties.

No if you're 5'5 you look like a midget.
If you are human height it's all about the face you could weight 50kg and still get laid. OP is a retarded gymrat.

Woah woah woah son, who said anything about attracting women? I was getting laid when I weighed 120-140lb skinny fat no muscle muscle thicc booty twink body odd frame. All of that

I didnt say the gym was for attracting women go read all my posts again. I said the gym is for being a man. And you arent going to get strong or big like a man by NOT going to the gym

Are you implying skinny guys don't get laid?

No because I got laid when I was skinny.
I am more than implying but implicitly stating that skinny guys are not strong or aesthetic or functional

>nooo don't break my echo chamber
kys or become a faggot on grindr