People unironically eat pussy

>people unironically eat pussy
this is a joke, right? How the fuck can you put your face anywhere near a vagina? have you seen how fucking disgusting they are?

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Only ugly boys eat pussy outside of porn
Women know this

You might be gay my guy maybe youd like gobbling a big hairy nutsack better

I dont find pussy eating appealing.

It originally makes me horny as fuck.

That's because men who do this are emasculated, and by doing so they only emasculate themselbes further. Your tongue is not a dick, plus it's humiliating and ruins the position of power of a man. It's cringe and drifts your power away.

My gfs pussy looks like the right so it's very appealing for me

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ive broken up with guys over refusing to eat pussy, like the mere idea that it makes him look weak or something is the most unattractive and insecure thing ever, it makes me gag to think that a guy has a highschooler mentality like that

You must have been with a lot of men

Only once. A girl asked me to go down, I went to the area, hovering. I couldn't do it. But then she shoved my face in there and kept me there with her thighs. So I had no choice. She used me for her orgasm and I felt I was there for ages.

Noones eating ur neovagina u gross faggot

>tfw i live in a third world country and i could legitimately beat the shit ouf of you for this and no one would blame me
Know your place, woman

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Being forced to do that instantly makes it hot.

ive been with a whopping total of 2 guys and one of them outright admitted that it isnt manly to eat pussy and that seriously made me lose any attraction for him. broke up with my other ex for other reasons

i live in a state where i could shoot your nonwhite ass. ill take 1 punch from a breadstick armed virgin in exchange for putting him out of my misery any day :)


True, it's a thing for supbar cucks.
Cuck no. 1
Cuck no. 2
Cuck no. 3
Troon no. 1
Cuck no. 4
Cuck no. 5
It was never about you.

good, there are still men left after all.

It isn't manly, it's submissive but I would still do it

fucking disgusting frfr nocap

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Eating pussy strengthens your immune system

I just like the smells. If you don't like her scent then you're not compatible.