Stupid incel, women can smell your misog-

>stupid incel, women can smell your misog-

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you're close, but a bit off. most women are not drawn to evil men specifically, but men who are famous and or get a lot of attention. same reason why they are drawn to men who are already taken. they are not wired to think independently, only as a member of a larger group. "oh everyone else cares about this guy, so I should too"

If this is the case, why aren't all men like this now? This 'future' isn't coming, incel.

>sexy gorilla in Japan makes women swoon

im laffin

Why would the future genes only influence men? Do people think low IQ and self control are located on the Y chromosome?

Incels are all misogynistic assholes but they still can't get laid. It's because they're ugly.

You're forgetting these men were masculine, dominant and good looking.

Also psychos are unironically eugenic. They make more money, garner more resources, are better socially and at making friends and winning arguments and debates, have more children, are better fighters and dark triad facial features are also more masculine and attractive. So yeah, they're eugenic.

Killed 22 people in a cafe, butchered a pregnant woman.

Thousands of muslim girls swooned over him. Lots fingered themselves thinking of this guy ( Nibras Islam), screen shots got leaked.
Search "Holy Artisan attack Bangladesh " for more details.

Attached: Nibras11467794000.jpg (780x459, 69.6K)

>Also psychos are unironically eugenic
If your goal is to discard all that we have achieved as a society then yes, certainly.

That's the point, personality means fuck all for incels, they're lost either way. I just can't abide the normalfag gaslighting

I need to become le ebin psycho and butcher nggers

Dating violent men is a poor choice
As you are in their closest proximity you're their most likely victim
it's the same reason you don't want to live next door to gangbangers

It's all men's fault, unironically. You're used to our modern safe cushy western society now, but you're forgetting that for the past 300,000 years the world was an extremely brutal place where rape and murder (by men) was extremely commonplace.

Women who shacked up with physically weak, nice guy betas would simply be invaded, kidnapped, raped and their nice guy husbands and kids slaughtered in front of them. Women had no choice but to become sexual mercenaries for the strongest tribe, in order to stand a chance at survival for themselves and their offspring. Why? Because men made the world such a violent rapey shithole.

Proving my point. Muslim women are surrounded by extreme male violence and chauvinism 24/7. They're so used to it that they think it's normal. In such dangerous patriarchal shitholes, it was common for Muslim men from another tribe to just ride in, take all the women and slaughter the men. It still happens all the time in Islamic parts of Africa especially. Islam also encourages men to engage in extreme violence and rape. Basically masculinity ruins everything for everyone.

>low iq psychopaths with no self control whatsoever

On the front page of r9k, I can see at least one low iq post, one psychopath and just look at any femanon post for examples of robot self control.

Because we had a period where women had no right to choose mate for themselves.
They either got arranged marriages by her parents who (usually) knew better or got captured as a rape slaves.
This feminism and women's rights shit is literally unprecedented large scale experiment, that is already visibly failing.

So you're saying that you can't adjust to the new world(which was established by men by the way) and will keep honoring the traditions of the old one?

this. it's men that prevent nice guys from getting ahead. not women. it wasn't women burning down villages full of nice guys, it was other men.
women only love men as a survival strategy. heterosexuality in women is nothing but a form of stockholm syndrome. men are niggers.

Men more occupy extremes.
Women are more trending towards average.
Whatever new development is happening to species first is observable in males.

Yes, exactly like incels inability to adjust to the modern world of dating

>Just override 300,000 years of evolution, genetic engineering and survival instincts bro
By your logic humans should also be able to switch off anxiety, desire for human contact, desire to procreate and all other 'primitive' feelings, since we don't need to fear being eaten by sabre tooth tigers, need to be part of a tribe to survive, repopulate the world anymore. Peaceful times for humans are a very recent phenomenon.

Kinda hard to adjust to something from which you're categorically excluded

Incels excluded themselves through porn addiction. Funny coincidence that the countries with the highest amount of porn use like Japan, Korea, Germany and USA are incel hotspots meanwhile places where porn is restricted or banned have barely any incels at all.

Sidenote, INB4
>b-but porn is the symptom not the cause! I use porn cuz I'm incel I'm not incel cuz I use porn!
Cope. The average age males in the US begin watching porn is 7 years old. Males are frying their brains on interracial shemale gangbangs before they're even old enough to know what dating is.

Here we go with the personality horseshit again, do you think successful males, good looking males don't watch porn?

Places where porn is banned still consume insane amount of porn, retard.
They just are more sneaky about it.

Most chads I know are anti porn and were having enough sex from an early age, they have sex when they want enough that porn is just a side issue for when they can't get laid. Remember, 99% of people who lose their virginity do so before 20. Only 1% of people lose their virginity between 21-30.

This. Chads despise porn and think it's lame. Incels are apologists for it.