Why are women like this? Don't they feel ashamed when they basically admit that they're walking holes like this?

Why are women like this? Don't they feel ashamed when they basically admit that they're walking holes like this?

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I imagine the kind of people who liaten to andrew tate probably dont approach women much anyway, so shes safe.

Now patrice oneil, there was a man who knew how to treat pussy.

Who is Andrew Tate?
Based on her reaction I'm assuming he's based?

Imagine shilling a chinlet's scam. The absolute fucking state of this board.

Anyone ever notice how foids seem to address womankind as if it were some sort of hivemind?

It is. Don't think otherwise

who the hell is andrew tate and why should I care

Soft cock pick up artist that has lonely men eating out his hand because he made some moeny fighting nobody kickboxing tournaments in buttfuck nowhere slavlands.

Hes like fresh and fit and all those other dummies.

suprisingly not. andrew tate is in fact just a fucking loud mouth retard with severe brain damage from being a kick boxer. he has nothing of interest to say, and gets humiliated when he tries to debate someone.

not many people listen to him, but im amazed anyone listens to him at all. although lots of people listen to joe rogan and that also astonishes me

You sound like a female or a lefty "man"

who tf is andrew tate?

People like joe for his guears and fhe facr its casual conversations everyone can get into.

For example, joe is a manlwt midwit who has fucking nasa engineers on his show, so when he talks to them he asks them things the average midwit would ask, not just rhe high level technical stuff thats 90% jargon to the layman.

I was in agreement with him, then he had to theow joe rogan in for no reason like tate and joe are similar in anyway.

>You sound like a female or a lefty "man

not a female, and im full 14/88. Just dont see any value in listening to idiots just because they bought a microphone to talk into

they're both idiots, but what ever. rogan is less retarded than tate, and if you like his guests fine.

Some idiot who got popular off radical incels, you know the joke of oh all your fans are incels? Well with him it's literal and factual

Why are there so many videos on TikTok of women crying about how their boyfriends follow him on Insta?

Dude I will be honest I don't use tiktok so I got no reference. But if you look at the type of girls saying it I'm sure you can make a pretty good assumption of what kind of boyfriend they have. Andrew tate says something stupid but confidently so impressionable young men start seeing him as a gospel of truth. If you watch any conversation of him actually debating with other people you will see how flawed his points actually are and how he dodges any arguments against him. I don't like Hasan as much as the next guy but this is a fairly good example of why Tate is a coward with weak points. youtube.com/watch?v=fkohX4ICZGk&ab_channel=HasanAbi

The same reason there's a thread on Any Forums about him right now: algorithms, views and engagement.

havent watched the vid but hassan argues some dumb shit. in general women are genuinely terrible at driving. just because men have more crashes doesnt detract from the fact that women are genuinely garbage at driving parking whatever

You're arguing Andrew Tate's stupid point, if in your experience you've seen a single woman crash along with your bias from Any Forums it means that you're biased and wrong if the statistics show that men crash more than women. Hasans point is that Tates view on women driving is narrow, opinionated, biased and backed by nothing. The problem with Tates view is that he shills it out like fact to his impressionable audiences. We don't need to be radicalizing incels any farther with this women can't drive so lets ban them from driving bullshit

opinion discarded, go drive into the median you stupid whore

They are the TRUE NPCs in this world. Every last one of them loves falling in line and being normal...sad!

Your bias clogs your thinking, you defy yourself actually learning because of your monkey brain. Just because you hate someone doesn't make them automatically wrong. I also do not like Hasan, I think his political takes are dog shit but he isn't saying anything special to argue against Tates points. That's the best part, he is saying obvious shit and is making Tate stumble and fumble his dumb ass into a corner until he starts bitching and moaning about Hasan.


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