Reminder that normalfags browse this board just to "troll le heckin inkwells"

Reminder that normalfags browse this board just to "troll le heckin inkwells"

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Which video?

I miss the days of anons posting a bunch of illegal shit to scare faggots away. God, i want to go back.

Under the whore Elizabeths OP comment

All good I have no problem talking to them and short circuiting their NPC programming

i got $100 on victor being a virgin
any takers?

Not gonna take it because you'd win

come on user you dont really think an incel would make fun of other incels do you dont be ridiculous

Incels like that exist and they are the uncle toms of incels

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give me a break user, no one would do that

I only browse r9k ironically to troll

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we know it's (You), elizabeth

You're right
Incels in denial would never come here to cope about "I'm a virgin at 40 years old but im not misogynistic so I'm not an incel"

We know, mr. Incel in denial

Fair I browse it unironically to troll

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By troll do you mean larp as a femanon? that's funny but telling them to grow the fuck up is even more entertaining

He means he collects posts to post on reddit for upboats

I browse Any Forums ironically because robots are the only people I can empathize with despite not being cel anymore.

Failed normies come here to troll
Sex havers come here to educate and raise the status of incels, who are still our brothers

When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back into you.

Every normie who comes here runs the risk of being corrupted. The blackpill is dangerous to the healthy, because it has too much plausibility. As soon as you hear it and know what it is, it can sneak up on you during a weak moment and take over your mind.

Dumbass normies coming here to troll are like the guy in a zombie movie who does something to show off and gets bit.

Sex havers could never in a million years understand our plight. They come here to virtue-spout their NPC viewpoints that have no relation with reality.

Hey I'm just into bully, I'm not in denial nor do I actually care about incels

This is usually what I do. I've been on this hell site, not this board because it didn't exist then, since around 2003 after SA. The problem is that the new generation of faggots don't actually engage in discussion. Zoomers are without a doubt the dumbest generation I've seen thus far.
Projection. We just get off the computer and enjoy our day with our friends, girlfriends, family, or ourselves. You're stuck in your chair getting MKUltra'd by a bunch of faggots shilling blackpill nonsense so you can watch their videos to put money in their pocket. You got duped and it's fucking hysterical.

You will never be chad
You will always be failed normalfag
Chads don't even know this place exist

You will never be a normalfag

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>Projection. We just get off the computer and enjoy our day with our friends, girlfriends, family, or ourselves.

Tick tock motherfucker. Your day will come.

The simple fact of the matter is that blackpill content and memes appear in more places now than they did 5 or 10 years ago. It is really indisputable that it's spreading. The governmental authorities studying "radicalization" concede that much.

If it's spreading, that means that in simple epidemiology terms it's spread-ABLE. And how would that happen? Clearly it spreads when someone new hears it.

You may think you are immune...but lots of other people thought that, too.

I've been posting on Any Forums for more than ten years now. I was a robot, but figured my life out in college. Whenever I come here now, I notice people making mistakes I once made and try to show them there are other ways
>muh npc muh bluepill
What needs to be understood is that incels are sheltered, lack life experience, and have the delusional view that they're all far smarter than anyone they come into contact with. Learn to listen to people when they give you advice, don't be pigheaded and stick to your ways when they aren't working for you

t. normalfag who never has and never will belong here.
You NPC nigger. Never come back.

>What needs to be understood is that incels are sheltered, lack life experience, and have the delusional view that they're all far smarter than anyone they come into contact with. Learn to listen to people when they give you advice, don't be pigheaded and stick to your ways when they aren't working for you
sorry user but the advice well has been polluted so to speak. i dont blame anyone for avoiding it entirely

I made peace with it a long time ago

Here now

Who wrote this, a roastie? He's not ugly, bald yes but not ugly

>figured my life out in college
sooo.. you were an awkward teenager. like 90% of teenagers. okay.

I have a girlfriend
Even though you're being deliberately obtuse, I still won't make fun of you. You're probably a masochist anyway and would enjoy it too much

I rest my case, laddies and ladies

No if a roastie wrote it then she'd tell him he'll win in the end once the girls all have their fun

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Sorry user, you really are hideous. It's not a roastie thought this time around. You have a pedo beard, prey eyes, a woman's nose, and your head looks like an egg. Not to mention the little stubble hair on top, which is puke-inducing.
As the poster mentioned, the height and balding issues are enough to kill the whole thing anyway, but the rest is just like a caricature.

No one wants you here
How pathetic are you that you come here to seek validation from us
Your "advice" is not wanted nor helpful