How many of you robots are just distracted?

How many of you robots are just distracted?

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I have no friends, im a high school dropout, im not good with animals and i have no girlfriend

>No friends
>No gf
>No pets
>living off ramen

Distracted by my thoughts of suicide.

i feel depressed sometimes but my bf comforts me and makes me feel so amazing and happy. we fucked for hours yesterday and i forgot all the bad things in my life while he filled me up.

Hear me out people. What if the thing that keeps you distracted... is your depression? And you can't stop being distracted no matter how hard you try?

I distract myself using media to keep the thoughts away

If that's what distracted looks like, you can call me Albert Einstein

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>just distracted?

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Quit fucking him and see how much he cares about you then.

what the fuck did this comic mean??

No goals achieved, nobody loves me or gives a fuck about me, I'm too poor for snacks, don't have any friends just people that take advantage of me. I have pets that love me, and they do help a lot. I used to be friends with a bunch of wild animals too at my last job. I was so much happier then. But my employer cut my hours to basically nothing

It means suck it up buttercup and keep voting republican

No friends, no tea, no cookies, nobody who loves me, no pet, let alone one who's happy to see me, a degree never has and never will be a goal -- not having one is akin to a death sentence here as in most places, so now I'm in debt for nothing because degrees don't give jobs, only the qualifications to get looked down upon by roasties for not being chad enough for the job, even though even on the day I was entering college, the workplace was still meritocratic.

Not to mention that who, exactly, could possibly be comforted by tea and cookies, or by a living being that amounts to an automaton given how independent it is?

I know this pic is old and has always had hilarious reactions from all boards, but holy fuck I can't help but to reply anyway.

Normalfag cringe thread?
Normalfag cringe thread, let's goooo!

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Incels status: BTFO! how will incels ever recover from this one?

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>gay shit
>bad drawings
>words words words

>an entire subreddit to "prove incels wrong"
the time some people have on their hands

The worst part is that's it's 90% strawmen and 10% ad hominem, 0% argument.
Personally, I'd love to see a genuine attempt to prove "incels" wrong, because if anyone could disprove what Any Forums has found, it would be a ray of hope to everyone on this board. Of course, though ,that would be impossible, since the research is far more solid than most peer-reviewed studies.

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I have one of those things. He's a good boi.

I have none of that

>Good friends
no, not really
i am friends with this one girl but my girlfriend is pathologically jealous and gets in the way of it
>tea and cookies
yes all the time
>goals achieved
hs dropout desu

it's crazy to think that most of these fuckers are pro-choice

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In general, they're completely incapable of self-reflection or logical thought. They just regurgitate the script they're told to go with. Fascinating, really.
Now for something completely different...

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And now back to our regularly scheduled programming. Weaklings better brace.

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This one isn't so bad, is it?

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