Why are you incels constantly badgering women when they're just trying to go about their lives?

Why are you incels constantly badgering women when they're just trying to go about their lives?

Attached: stop.png (819x1300, 1.76M)

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She's also single, but you don't see her going around hitting on guys, bothering people, do you user?

Attached: just stop.png (950x1300, 1.75M)

We're not. People just like to play the victim.
And if someone was actually doing that? LOL. I'll bet my whole fucking paycheque it wasn't an incel. I can comprehend that and I'm a fucking normie.
Stop psyopping people into thinking the world hates them.

Following someone around is cringe, though, but if she thinks being asked out on a date or being hit on is having her time being demanded, then she should touch grass.

Shes clearly describing the behavior of a nonwhite immigrant but that detail is not socially safe to share so she just extends the blame to 'men' when she knows damn well its a very specific type of men.

This is extremely common.

None of that every happened to her, some guy said hi and that he thought she looks nice so she cooked up a story about some evil stalker pervert rapist.

lmao nobody is following this fatass around. She's fucking lying.

The problem is youre trying to imagine a white guy doing this.

Instead picture a sexually starved pajeet or arab who can barely speak english.

why not just make an actual social media post? why a bunch of long winded text about a dubious narrative over staged pics of her in various emotional states? lmao wtf this is like meta normie-ism to the point where it's CLEARLY more autistic than the social pitfalls of autism itself

These bitches lie about this stuff, you know that right? The female human animal is fucking insane and their brain is riddled with white matter. They literally believe their own lies, its pure insanity tier delusion so they can inflate their own egos and feel desired.

Seriously? White men are notorious rapists and in a sane society offenders would be sterilized to keep this shit under control

>men are notorious rapists
In your delusions, sure, but I think he's talking about real life.

Because no one else is helping them get laid and they're trying to help themselves

Think you replied to the wrong user, brohan

>over staged pics of her in various emotional states

Yeah, this is the really contemptible part. Hamming up fake and staged pics of your traumatized emotional reaction, well AFTER the fact, so you can stitch together a "compelling" video - fucking zoomers were a mistake.

This is true actually, per capita white men are the largest demographic amongst child predators and sexual assaulters

Cold approaching is literally the best possible way. Takes less than 30 seconds. If I try 20 times and succeed just once it only took me 10 fucking minutes to get laid. I can't imagine doing it any other way. Never waste your chasing one that doesn't reciprocate, retard move.

whyy would Pajeet or Ahmed risk prison for some fat western whore when they get arranged married and have their women in line? Arab girls are literally the most conservative women I have ever fucking met.

My first encounter with an arab chick seriously made me consider converting to islam desu.

>This is true actually, per capita white men are the largest demographic amongst child predators and sexual assaulters

No, they aren't. That is a delusion that has been foisted upon you by the fact that the media only bothers to cover offenses against white children.

Statistically, the most common physical and sexual abuse scenario for minors involves a non-related adult male sharing their living space. That happens much more frequently in minority households. In any state with any sizable black population, the overwhelming majority of DCF cases will involve blacks.

Ive seen the stats and this isnt true.

>making up data on Any Forums
Lol. Lmao.

This is just men being men. Not a strictly incel phenomenon. If anything, incels don't have the balls to talk to women, let alone approach them.

How else am I supposed to shoot my shot?

do you not know what an Instagram story is, grandpa? There are social etiquette rules and posting culture for other social platforms as well. Like saging for unrelated here. Girls POST post like actually post their aesthetic cutesy shit with tryhard philosophical captions and song lyrics every once in a while, then on their story they post daily and you have to post with a picture so when most of your followers are following you because wow hot young babe then youre gonna include your money maker even in your diary tier sperg outs

and you, youre just retarded and looking for shit to get worked up about. I know what you mean and plenty of chicks do it hence the whole finsta phenomenon, fake-insta, for you to have your bpd melt downs on so Chad who follows you on your public Instagram doesnt see but the 500 beta simps who are waiting for their crumb of pussy can so theyll buy shit from your Amazon wishlist to cheer you up

but this girl is just like. using her face as the picture instead of a random shot of the street? And has her hand resting on her chin with a slightly ticked off expression and then another pretty tame expression?? the words are the cringiest part, especially that IF I WASNT SUCH A POLITE WELL MANNERED PRINCESS I WOULD HAVE PHYSICALLY ASSAULTED YOU shit

but cmon this also wasnt just a cold approach and her going EW YOU LITERALLY JUST RAPED ME GET AWAY. the dude followed her around forever and even tried to break into her changing room? thats obsessive and threatening

Is that right?



Cope harder buddy

>do you not know what an Instagram story is, grandpa?
I'm criticizing it apparently, dumb zoomer
> then youre gonna include your money maker even in your diary tier sperg outs
You're only proving my point lol, why are you acting like this is valid justification and not simply more examples of why this is hilariously stupid and pathetic?

>Most child groomers are white said the governement who protected grooming gang of shitskin

Attached: Grooming-gangs-condamnes.jpg (1158x1200, 373.75K)

based in fact and logic. If the guy doing this browses r9k, he should be arrested for future crime.

In both of those links - which are UK data by the way - whites are underrepresented in the pool of offenders relative to their percentage of the UK population in literally every number quoted.

The UK's population is 90% white. Of course "most" sex offenders will be white. But every number actually quoted in both of those links proves that non-whites are overrepresented in the offense data - meaning that "per capita" (as this fucking piece of shit specified) whites are less likely to commit one of these offenses.

And here in the US we have ACTUAL niggers, not sandniggers. And here the *nominal majority* of all physical and sexual abuse cases against children are committed by non-whites. The numbers become even more absurd when normalized for population share.

Jesus, I was being sarcastic. I know most incels don't do this...hell, must average men don't do this, which is why I thought it was bullshit she started with "Dear men".
And I thought it so fucked how she talks about how she doesn't hit on people, not being self aware of her privilege of never HAVING to hit on anyone or put herself out there or put any effort into anything really.

>There are social etiquette rules and posting culture for other social platforms as well.

And the "posting culture" that produces content like this is for fucking contemptible shitbags.

>using her face as the picture instead of a random shot of the street? And has her hand resting on her chin with a slightly ticked off expression and then another pretty tame expression??

Right. Reaction expressions she FAKED. That makes her...a fake.

>following for an hour
Those are niggers only niggers are that ruthless for pussy.

Gonna assume this is an asian foid fingering herself typing this.

>claims whites are per capita child molesters at higher rates than nonwhites
>to substantiate his claim posts data that literally shows the opposite to be true
Nonwhite IQ everyone lmfao you cant make this shit up

That isnt a shitskin thats white progressive lunatic you are talking to.