Every time a woman calls a man creepy I want to punch her in the face

Every time a woman calls a man creepy I want to punch her in the face

Attached: IPoM_Creepy+Guy_v02-01.jpg (2500x2499, 465.5K)

>creepos getting angry when positively identified
More news at 11

It's not even me getting called creepy it's all men. When I see a man get called creepy I feel a primal rage

Men need to stop being fucking creepy though. Most men don't know how to act around women and won't treat women like people so you get called creepy retard.

>Men need to stop being fucking creepy though
>saying hi to a coworker is being creepy

That's called projection

If you do it like a creepy fucking creepy, then yes.

Women's definition of creepy is drastically different from reality. Maybe I should just start calling women sluts for showing shoulder/ankle

Daily reminder that all who dont fit the definition of "chad" will be considered "creepy" on a whim of a dumb entitled cunt in gynocentric society.
Those cunts can even accuse you of sexual assault an other crimes against her cuntness. And guess what? Presumption of innocence won't fucking work.
So to speak, don't even bother.

Attached: 1659000583041561.png (1125x2436, 1.5M)

Yeah your version of reality is rather suspect, Mr. Creepy McCreepster

My version of reality is suspect? You mean the version of reality where you can be platonically nice to people without being labeled a creep?

>platonically nice to people
>Maybe I should just start calling women sluts for showing shoulder/ankle
Just get a hooker and cure your incel at this point

If women are willing to call a man creepy for something as mundane as saying hello then I'll call them sluts for something equally mundane. Women have too much social power these days and think they can say whatever they want without consequence. Calling a woman a slut is similar to calling a man creepy. Fair retaliation imo

women think its creepy for men to start touching and acting best buddies with a woman that they barely even know, they know that you just want to fuck them, just say hello and how are you and go on with your day

is that so hard?

>just say hello and how are you and go on with your day
This gets called creepy. See

I can understand why. Whenever I want to really piss off a guy or make him insecure, I call him creepy. If it's not enough, I proceed to explain him in detail WHY he is creepy.

its so normal idc and there are some who are creepy but idc

Yeah I can tell you say hello to women in the most ageessive, budding rapist, incel way.

i like creepy men honestly

Whats with the sudden up tick of roasties on this site ? Back to where you roasts came from.

>Men need to stop being so NOT CHAD though

Fuck you evil scum