When did it all go wrong bros?

What moment in your life set you up for faliure?

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>What moment in your life set you up for faliure?
surviving at birth

I have never been in a better position than I am now despite the world going to shit I stand tall and strong against the waves

>tsunami comes and btfo you in 5 years
it's over

Very funny but literally nothing can break me at this point, I have gone through so much change over my life it has only made me tougher and more secure in myself, I have no inner demons left

Overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer, remember this user.

stay strong my brother
I believe in you

when my mom got oral cancer. she didn't die but she had two long hospital stays in my critical toddler years. studies in mice have found that separation from their mothers at that specific moment causes them to grow up more fearful, and I think that happened to me.

I am not overconfident Mr Neet, I am now content
You too brother we are all gonna make it

When my mom divorced a surgeon for a drywall installer
we no longer made enough money to stay in the city and had to move out to the country where there were less opportunities etc
the school i went to there was so fucking bad she decided to drop me out and homeschool me
no school = no social oasis to make potential friends and whatnot

this one decision outside of my control fucked my life over entirely
she divoced the drywall faggot last year and is again dating a rich guy so maybe theres redemption but its too late
i lost my fucking childhood

Chad tradie is fucking your mom bro

was not is
i wish i didnt have to listen to it, their bedroom was above mine in the shitter house we had then

I am so sorry but that is hilarious

yeah ive learned to laugh at it, its all i can do
i unironically had to turn my radio up and put a pillow over my head at times
bro i was just tryna read my goosebumps books in peace then theyd go at it

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haha could you imagine if boys could actually be cute and it wasn't exclusively a 2D thing this world is unfair

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does this imply that liking trannies will eventually make you into one?
it might be plausible actually, just like watching tranime girls in many cases causes the observer to start to self insert as the tranime girl

A life ruining event at 8, also having distant and cold parents.

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women truly do live blessed lives. imagine being a guy, able to casually hop from pussy to pussy, like that. and the bitches being rich and interesting, too. women don't even know how good they have it. all they have to do is not be fat.

When I failed to asphyxiate myself in the womb.

The blue, green, and pink panels are all wishful thinking from fags.

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was the drywall installer a chad compared to the surgeon?