So a while back I sent a cashier girl a message on facebook

So a while back I sent a cashier girl a message on facebook.

She hasn't responded yet but I don't think she logs onto facebook anymore as her picture is 3 years old with no new activity.

When I go into the store I think I'm going to thank her for something she did during a prior check out and ask her if she still uses facebook.

Is this a good idea?

Attached: facebook_message.png (262x425, 17.13K)

no user. just continue to have a normal work relationship and ignore it just like she ignored you. she isn't interested

90% of that was unnecessary, Jesus Christ learn some economy of words. That is the only thing making this cringe

you sound like a weirdo creep,dude stop

Kek. It wasn't meant to be mate

Lol I remember your original thread when everyone was telling you this was a bad idea

yeah just do it.
never send a text message over 3 lines.

It didn't seem that long to me. I could have maybe cut it in half but I don't think anything I wrote was bad.

I still don't think I'm going to ask her out directly, just check if she still uses facebook or not.

Holy shit, user. This is why you're ngmi. Just ask her out, and not for coffee. What the fuck are you planning to do, draw love hearts in the foam? People get coffee on the way to work, and they don't sit around chatting. You should've bought each of you a coffee and brought it to work, then later been,

>I hope it was okay
>I usually just have black coffee
>"oh it was fine user, thank you"

Too late now, desu.

You sound like you have the 'tism.

I work retail.
The girls I work with talk about guys like you.
Its creepy to hit on girls while they're at work. What you perceive as some kind of interest in you from their end is them just trying to be nice and do their job.
You're just making this person feel uncomfortable.

you write like a creepy fucker lmao wtf are you autistic?

Leave her alone. Seriously, user.

Quads of truth op.

Attached: 1659115905369219.jpg (750x1000, 104.21K)

say that exact same thing verbatim in person

he said 3 lines either you agree or dont, if you dont then stop asking for advice that you dont follow

I have to ask, how fucking old are you?

This is why women aren't nice to men anymore by default.

Mentally, probably around 13-15. Physically I hope for his own sake it's 18 or less.

Has she "seen" the message?
If not, please edit the message to something random or delete it and say whoops wrong chat then speak to her in person.

go up to her in person and ask her in front of several customers so she seems compelled to say yes

Most people try this shit once as teenagers, then get cockslapped so hard that they stop this faggot behavior. However, some autists don't learn, which is how they get put on blast in internet cringe compilations. Don't say you weren't warned, OP.

lol this is retarded and will get OP thrown out of the store.