To any normalfags on this board, how did you make it?

To any normalfags on this board, how did you make it?

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I'm originally a woman

I think i'm number 3 but i used to be number 4

>unironically fit into somewhere between 2 and 3

I started browsing incel subreddits when I was in highschool and unattractive. I became attractive by my upperclassmen years and got attention from women, but once you see blackpill shit you can't unsee it as much as you try. Then they banned incels and mgtow from Reddit, so here I am.

I also never really fit in groups. I make great first impressions but I can never stay in a regular group. Here I get to make a new first impression in every board I reply to, so I seem to fit in just fine here.

Literally touch grass and have sex

1 and 4 are so sexy

I turned into a 1 unironically, is pretty much a scarily accurate description of me minus the reddit shit I think what fucks up a lot of people on here is they take themselves way too seriously, which is pretty much the root source of almost all social inhibition IMO. Just go to any store and look around, or hell even just drive around, and see how little of a fuck everyone gives. People do not build a 20 step plan over the course of a week just to go do something, they just do it.

People love me at first when I'm low inhib but then either grow to resent me or I get pissed at them over something. Any advice to get over this? I'm really getting sick of moving around groups so much.

>any advice
Honestly you just gotta take the shit you get. Just because you may be charismatic does not mean *every one* will like you for long, case in point a jocky sports loving kind of guy probably will not get on very well with the D&D crowd unless he also happens to have a genuine interest in that too. My advice is to try and form actual relationships with people in groups or subcultures or whatever that you actually like and are a part of. Could be literally anything.
>I get pissed at them over something
I am still working on that part which has definitely fucked me over far more than the former admittedly, but at the end of the day just try to remember that they are still people and still have their own things going on. After all I am sure some have secretly resented you or considered you an annoying faggot too. Also I would try to not be much of a tryhard either, like trying to be some sort of hypebeast party guy when you clearly are not one. People can smell that like garbage on a hot day and it will make you look like a clown.

Only went after fat chicks because I prefer them, life on easy street bro

Just be nice to people dude idk, ig that makes me normal.

Nr 1 here except I don't have many life goals. Or rather, I want to do everything so I can't really pick a direction, but I'm generally pretty happy with my life, as much as someone who has lived hard and burnt a lot of bridges can be.
Idk what you mean with "make it".
I had to fake confidence and study human interaction to learn how to talk to people. Growing up pre-social media helped a lot too.
If you have crippling social anxiety then get therapy, no need to limit yourself.

Unironically I got my heart broken by an e-girl I tried e-dating and it made me take a hard look at myself. Idk any other ways to break out of being an outcast

I keep trying to find a place to fit in, and even when I have a genuine interest I don't seem to fit. I guess I'll keep trying it. You're completely right about not being a tryhard; it tends to work for getting attention from girls but every guy I know tends to see through it after a little while. Thanks for the advice, user.

Its definitely not something that can be easy or quick, there is a lot of background stuff that goes on in forming actual relationships. Starting them is easy, keeping the flame lit is a whole different battle entirely. All I can really say is just keep up an effort and try to let the chips fall where they will. I think social media and the last two years seriously fucked up tons of people for actual socializing, so at least you are alone there.

>became attractive by my upperclassmen years and got attention from women, but once you see blackpill shit you can't unsee it as much as you try.
What is it you're noticing if you don't mind sharing? You're still the same guy, but it's seen more positively now?

I don't see it more positively. It's more like everything I've seen has been confirmed.

For context, I'm 5'10, have blue eyes, ok jawline, decent build. My only real issue is combing my hair, which is nearly uncontrollable. I used to be fat, but then lost 20 pounds.

Mostly it was seeing my mother leave my father for a man 3 inches taller and with a stronger jawline, my sister dating exclusively dark triad (who was a former lesbian), a female friend openly comment on how ugly my friends were in front of them, a whole group of latina girls go off on how much they liked tall white guys in front of my short Latino friend, a ton of brown girls and fat white girls into me, and general stupid shit from women. I could greentext these if you wanted, but each one is a full story in it own.

Oh yeah I forgot to mention the time some girls ask how tall I was and both let out a disgusted "oh" when I didn't say 6 foot. The meme is real.

>I don't see it more positively
I meant are you just seen more positively now, even though you may not have changed. Like same guy same personality/interesest but now seen as someone cool.

Honestly, more interested in your story than others. When did you notice a sudden change, don't mean to come across as a creep.

Jesus Christ we really do have a ton in common, even the heights.
t. and and

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I think this might be a cultural or even subcultural thing.
All my short or fat friends don't seem to have many issues. Sure, they might not be flooded with pussy, but all of them have gf's most of the time. People are in general very kind everywhere I go.
Idk if all of this blackpill shit is true in america or big cities, but I have rarely noticed it in northern europe