Bros what do I do from here

bros what do I do from here

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Aparantly no where

Ghost originally of course

>he didnt drive over there and rape her in her shower

Tbh you handled it pretty well. Just let her stew on that for a bit and then come back with some more sexual implications later until she either fucks you or blocks you

what the fuck does /j mean?

what the fuck does /j mean? originally to wtf?

its a twitter thing, it means joking

this is when you ask if she plays league of legends

are you 16? what is this shitty conversation

i would just ghost her, maybe its my AvPD too but she doesnt look interested in you, so save your honor

Lol she didn't even hesitate to shut that down. Couldn't even humor you. She thinks you're beneath her and she wants you to know it.

Shorthand for jerking off

Ignore her and go to the gym. If she wants you she'll come around.

This unironically happened to me and I ended up getting a shower pic of the area above her tits and below her chin. She had a boyfriend at the time though, so it was a hoe hoeing.

Nothing OP. You are clearly friend zoned. Find a new chick.

funny I had a similar interaction today, this is what it looks like when a girl actually wants to fuck you. second date next weekend, will probably fuck her

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Didn't read but one protip: if you post here might aswell not think about getting laid, ever

>the transition from uppercase to lowercase

idk man the way she texts makes me cringe

>good luck in your future endeavors

and then block her number.

I wouldn't say OP is destined to be a virgin from that interaction alone, since the "stop it" could've been meant in a playful and joking way. But considering that he's asking us what to do then yeah, he's probably screwed.


apparently you just move on and stop talking since you're not going to date her and the friendship is ruined

You ask to take a shower with her cuz ur a dirty boy >:)

I can't believe I used to talk like this. I've gone above and beyond the call of duty for my cock, it better be grateful.

you're right I should dump this bitch

>Would of
I'm convinced only Americans have this problem

she's british, notice the 'x' at the end of texts

>maybe i've been x
what is "maybe i've been x" ?