God has abandoned us, its over since 9/11

god has abandoned us, its over since 9/11

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God is still there, he's just laughing at how retarded we have become without supervision.

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We deserved 9/11, if god abandoned us over that then good riddance

Please, don't tell me this is what I think it is...

it's the dreaded arm-penis

imagine doing THIS to your body instead of just buying a bionic penis or something to strap over your vag. Trannies are truly ill.

>these niggas crazy

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Doesn't it still grow hair? I feel like i remembered seeing one of these troon faux penis that hair growing on it.

Does that tube stay there post-op? Don't tell me they piss through a tube

I think yes, they will have to shave their joke of a penis lol

Normie zoomers think they can actually turn you into a man with a penis or a woman with a vagina with surgery. They think doctors can actually create sex organs, as opposed to carve up other body parts into horrific, dysfunctional pastiches of them.

That is not a penis. It never will be a penis. Calling it a penis doesn't make it one. It won't transmit sensations like a penis; it isn't neurally equipped. No, the brain will not "adapt" to make it feel like a penis.

I swear young people believe that shit. They actually do. They think doctors are like gods because "muh science".

We went from "gays just want to get married, mind your own business" to this in about 15 years.

never thought i would see the day people wanted to become horrifying frankenstein's monster abomination.

yep, they still fucking grow hair, just look at this puss infested abomination and tell me that there's a God.

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This is what the aliens in Half-Life looked like

why would you do that to your body? Destroy the temple of God for some validation of strangers? FtM are just as disgusting as MtF

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>be a ftm troon
>get psyoped by the media, internet and society as a whole into thinking you can become a man
>cut your breasts off, take testosterone, buy new clothes, change your name, exercise certain muscle groups
>all to pretend to be male
>it's not enough
>pay tens of thousands to get a penis surgically made
>everyone tells you it's going to be just as good as the real thing
>wake up after the """surgery"""
>you now have a hairy, rotten, skin-sausage attached to your crotch permanently
No wonder they kill themselves so often

But what happens to the arm afterwards? You can't just have an arm with no skin...

why the fuck is this abominable mutilation legal.
The worst part is that if anyone came up trying to make this illegal it would never happen because trannies, faggots and social justice retards would go insane

Geeeee I wonder why right-wing extremism is on the rise

That image is fucking horrendous.

I really want to peel that scab and see how much pus and blood seeps out...

Imagine jerking off with this

jesus fuck, what a terrible day to have eyes

God was never with you, he was always a jew tale for idiots like you.