Are we in the end times due to all the world events recently?

Are we in the end times due to all the world events recently?

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i get high, i don't care. be like me. you stupid.

News media would have you believe so. It's their business to give you sensory overload and make you feel anxious. But no we're not living in the 'end times'. There's always some disaster or precipice we're going over. The news and the people who run the simulation have just gotten better at forcing your attention.

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No, retards are soft and degenerate. You wanna know who had reason to think the end times were upon him? The peasant who saw his entire village and every other village in the region die out from the black plague.

>le world is le collapsing!!!!!!!!!!
stop consooming pozzed media. get off the computer

Maybe, but I think we can turn it around with faith.

>Are we in the end times due to all the world events recently?
The end times have been going on for years at this point and I mean it with full sincerity. It began in the 1900s.

Most of the things that happen in the world are blown out of proportion by the media and general population. Nothing apocalyptic is going to happen - at least not in our lifetime or near future. But I couldn't care less if this whole planet just completely blows up in the next second honestly.

unironically we shifted to an alternate time path in 2012 so our world is gone, we just inherited this collapsing version of it

We're probably in the beginning of the end.
Prepare for an extreme global economic crisis, expect famines and civil unrest.

At least the serfs knew about their bondage and kabbala mystics were to afraid to practice their beliefs out in the open. We're going full blown surveillance state cybernetic slave state where we will be so poor we won't even own our CBDC or DNA.

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The only applicable thing I can think of regarding the end times is the "rumours of war" bit

Is it not obvious? The Communists won after the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991 and since the U.S. defeated Nazi Germany in 1945 we are living under a form of socialism under Satan, only Jesus can save you gl user

Just because the media shows mostly fluff that gets over exaggerated doesn't mean there isn't real society collapsing shit going on in the world right now.
It's always a game of what to show the masses to them, if you're being showed nothing significant, then something of significance is definitely going on.

>we shifted to an alternate time path in 2012
How so?

Nothing ever happens. According to doomsayers we should collapse at least twice every year.

What about the whole cult trying to usher in a one world political system, merging of world religions, or inflation famine?

> A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.

There is no end. It's a cycle. Some will fall for some to rise. Well it's an for you i guess.

No it isn't. You're grappling for hope that it is because of the situation in your life. Things will work out in the end somehow.

Get a load of this naive goyim.

just wait for mass food shortages to hit, then you'll have your answer