Be me, bored and depressed (went to hospital because of it) during holiday

>be me, bored and depressed (went to hospital because of it) during holiday
>friend introduce me to a girl, for something casual
>ask her out on a date 2 days later in Paris
>best fucking day in my life
>ask her for another date for the next day
>she came over to my house later that day
>we make out, nothing sexual
>best fucking day in my life
>she feels insecure about herself,abuse ,harassment, and don't want to become my gf yet
>when I tell her she's beautiful, she blushes and says she is not
>later find out no one told her she's beautiful except me, despite previous exs

I always had a void and thought having a gf would fill that void.
having a gf is better than I could have imagined
robros and rosisters, there's someone for you out there who will love you for just who you are, you just gotta find that someone

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>later find out no one told her she's beautiful except me, despite previous exs
>she feels insecure about herself,abuse ,harassment, and don't want to become my gf yet

Oh you're in for the time of your life with this one.

Attached: 973.jpg (680x686, 31.79K)

>the time of your life
best or worst, with no middle ground

can confirm this is 100% whats going to happen

please elaborate frog poster

I have to mention that she's on the chubby side, so her insecurities make sense

Beaner she's already problems, get the fuck out or become a toxic mf

oh my fucking god you're with a fatso, you're gonna end up killing yourself you big fag

user, she's perfect.
being fat is an handicap but I would give anything for her

you should grow mushrooms in her temperate, moist rolls.

>believing when a woman says she's never been called beautiful before
>unloads all her baggage and bullshit on him before they're even dating
>doesn't want to be op's gf yet because she either has other options in mind or she's testing just how hard he'll simp for her
He'll probably learn the hard way but they usually do the first time.

post her weight, ethnicity, economic & social status

For me it's fucking exhausting. I'm crazy about her but at the same time I feel like things were just easier when I was alone even if I was miserable

kek, this
good luck, OP
Be the last man she'll ever want and need, or just be another man

Enjoy it while it lasts, friend.

120 kg, she's around 5"6 white girl.
she's a nurse

fucking hell
she's obese bro not fat

I know, but you can't see it on her face and I don't mind that considering her other qualities

Brother, I'm 6'4 and bulking right now and she still weighs more than me.

Nigga fuck off, that aint even a white girl, thats the whole industrial revolution, fucking leave her you dumb idiot

dude's fucking a line backer

seethe, she's gorgeous person and she's worth it

Attached: her.png (542x489, 293.28K)

stunningly beautiful. I was wrong and I'm so sorry bro please forgive us

she kinda busted looking, bet she got blacked

it's ok bro, you can be wrong from time to time bro
nigger brained Any Forums user

>120 kg, she's around 5"6 white girl.
Got damn, son. That's a huge bitch. I'm jealous. Harpoon that whale and never let her go

Her face is a 6 and her body is like a 2-3 max at that weight.
Doesn't matter what you do though, it won't end well anyway given what you've already told us about her.

Lmao if that's actually her. Why would you post her picture here?


She looks like she has no soul left... probably from too much cock. Fatties are the most sexually active.. or should i say sluttiest and easiest.

>She looks like she has no soul left...
she does
> probably from too much cock. Fatties are the most sexually active.. or should i say sluttiest and easiest.
Any Forums moment