Makes Thunder Rosa hide in the bathroom like a bitch in youre path

>makes Thunder Rosa hide in the bathroom like a bitch in youre path

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Ywn go back in time and bring old thicc jamie to the future so you can have a threesome with both jamies

>is fat and ugly in you are path

Attached: 1659821318345093.jpg (541x483, 219.11K)

>shift+clicks your thread in youre path

user here btw. I like Sasha and Mikaze together a lot and I think Mandy is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

>Hayterfags are mentally ill
What a shocker.

Seething bayleyfag

Based Jamie

The future Champs

Attached: ToniStorm25.png (1250x950, 1.21M)

Livfag melting

>Worked Rosafags into a seethe
Kek it's a nice catch today

Now type that again without farting.

Thunder Rosa is one of the biggest pieces of shit in all of professional wrestling. She’s right up there with CM Punk currently. Notice how all the problems are coming from gAyEW currently. Jamie Hayter is both fat and ugly. But her squashing Rosa would be dimes. Especially after she broke Hayter’s nose.

Carmellafag having a meltdown

*farts in your path*
Enjoy the musk. It's a gift for you.


Newfag. Go back.

do you believe everything you read online?

Alright, schizo, you’re the same person talking to yourself so I’ll address you in singular. Listen very closely: Bliss was always male Sasha fucks fans Mandy could not transition properly Bayley is ugly as sin All of your gimmicks suck. They have go away heat with me and the rest of the board. Please fuck off and kill yourself (preferably, very painfully).

>Using my anti-schizo copypasta
Atleast space it out like it was Jesus