Well I think that's settled. I will throw myself off a cliff after consuming some heavy liquor...

Well I think that's settled. I will throw myself off a cliff after consuming some heavy liquor. I don't really know why I am doing it, I am just tired, I am not going anywhere in life and really don't want to either. I will get one of my questions answered which is life after death, don't care what it is, just want the answer. I'll write a good note and spend some time on it. Any tips on a final meal except for whiskey? I was thinking a donut and a mango loco monster. Last day on earth doesn't have to be the worst day on earth.

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>It's all settled
Is that right? and what was your deciding factor.

>I don't really know why I am doing it, I am just tired, I am not going anywhere in life and really don't want to either.
>I will get one of my questions answered which is life after death, don't care what it is, just want the answer.
I have the same exact sentiments user, but I would advise you to not carry through with it. Tell me, would you be interested in living with other anons in the same position on some land in the US? As a brotherhood of sorts, something interesting could happen, no?

I will simply not live a happy life without droogies no matter how I spend it, I am constantly depressed, doesn't always have to be a bad day but generally most days are shitty and unfulfilling.

Don't want to race in the rat race anymore. I respect the ones that do but it comes to an end at one point and I want to decide when that happens.

Taking control of my life for the final time essentially.

No trauma or video or picture or word that came into my head. A switch just flicked and I think I am ready.

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No can do user, I would be mostly a hinderance for the brotherhood but it sounds lovely. Would love to sit down with one of you lads and talk out a few things. Good, bad, small and big doesn't matter what, just want someone to be the last witness to the fact that I am not sick or drugged up, I literally just do not want to do the stupid rat race anymore to me there is no point.

I'm not sure what to say exactly, but a lot of anons have some very serious problems aside from women, for example, being stuck in a loop of despair and not seeing any hope in the world.
Is it insane to think that a bunch of anons could start up a parallel society (in real life)? A brotherhood of sorts, the goal wouldn't be to "improoov" and then reintegrate back into society, we reject society and do our own thing. Not to say that we won't improve, but not to that "end". Our goal would be to cultivate the mind and body (while still not forsaking wordly goals entirely, but first we focus on this), perseverance, patience, wisdom (both the natural and occult sciences), courage, temperance (self control) etc.

Also user, you underestimate yourself and you underestimate me, my mercy and love for you is greater than your hate and despair, do you not believe me? I'm a straight male virgin, I do not have some retarded savior complex, my heart is literally bursting with mercy for anons who just keep taking losses without an end in sight, with a learned helplessness that has crippled them (I know because I am the same).
I honestly think it can be done, and even if it fails, it would be something.

Might not be your best option. I fell off a 50ft cliff and didn't die. But I did get permanently paralyzed from the nips down.

>The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.

I understand user, but please give yourself another chance. Iv'e been there before but it's never worth it. Go to events, meet people with good habits and who aren't in a contentious downwards cycle. Please pick yourself up again.

Your idea sounds promising and very much so like being a monk. I would really love to just dip from society and do my own thing but I don't know whether or not that would be a sustainable life for me. It's not the people or whatever, I simply think the fun part of the game is over and that it is too much hassle to try to get a new round in. I would love to see what the future brings in terms of politics, safety, law-making and how to take care of mother earth. I would simply wish to be a spectator in the world with no judgement or power at all. I yearn to see earth in it's natural beauty.

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Suicide is redundant when you're already dead inside.
You feel like you want to die, so die. Die and be reborn. There's nothing so heartbreakingly beautiful as a renaissance within your heart.
I've had the barrell in my mouth. There is nothing more cold-- nor more lonely than the chill of the impending grave.
You're numb and defeated. But you're not taking control of your life, you're merely taking the path of less resistance, and that is distinctly NOT control.
Reject my words, or don't. But you'll realize I'm right about halfway down. By then it will be too late. See how much you feel in control then.

pizza is always nice, I guess?

I came dangerously close to a coma after doing a sketchy drug-trip in fact a while ago. Went through alot of emotions, visions and sensations ,but nothing in my life has ever been as peaceful and quiet and simply relaxing as the moment I finished the note and tried to go to sleep for the final time, I didn't fight it and I didn't feel anything but intense calmness. Ofcourse meeting a violent end like a cliff jump might not be the same thing, but simply being so close to it once and pretty much just accepting that the rat race is over for my part was a very wonderful thing for me. Perhaps I am wrong and halfway down I will remember you, but I would inform you of your state and how correct it was if we were ever to meet again.

Would be hard to enjoy a hot pizza after a 2~ hour hike up a mountain and then get wind in my face, pizza would be cold too. Would love to do it, but I think something like a cake or a donut might be my go to

>fun part of the game is over and that it is too much hassle to try to get a new round in
I think in becoming an ascetic in the brotherhood, you'll realize that these are all trivialities and veils. To be a man is not to have fun, this brotherhood would have the hardest and greatest rite of passage, it would be to conquer oneself and walk the path of God's Messengers, Prophets and Saints. We could also all learn maths, learn to build things, we could honestly surpass the rest of humanity in terms of technology (if God Himself backs us). It's not that crazy, the Messengers of God did way more "crazier" things with much worse circumstances. It can be done, we can literally cultivate psuedo-polymaths, or perhaps even real polymaths. We must conquer ourselves, no porn, no masturbation, just abstain from sex entirely unless you find a good wife. I do not think there is anything on the planet that could stop a group of determined men like this. It's not all boring either, there is something very interesting about God. I believe in Allah, The Omnipotent Sovereign, there exists a distance between (every individual thing or being in existence) and God Himself. The closer you get to God, you start to erase yourself, that's just how Glorious God is, you can literally erase yourself from existence, you can annihilate your self, you will forget you even exist and only know God, obtain supreme ecstacy, an ecstacy greater than heaven and hell, only matched by "getting to see" God Himself and His Beauty. It's insane but true, you get lost in love for God and God's love, everything else gets obliterated. This is a Way, a Way among ways.

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Unless you're planning to jump off that cliff onto a crowd of blacks/jews/faggots/immigrants your wasting your life fren.

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I can write personalized suicide notes to different people, so I could write something short, funny and retarded in one of them. If not I could also just yell the N-word on my way down

check yourself into the hospital and see a mental health worker there. i did and it changed me. i get free therapy now and its revolutionizing me. give it a go user.

Sadly I have tried and I just think it's not for me. I tried SSRI's and talking it out, felt good ofcourse but you realise you are truly alone in your own suffering when you've gotten stuck in your own head for a while. I'm not sad or anything like, just very very tired. Tired of having to adjust to other people and always meet someones expectations no matter how small. It has all gotten stale grey and predictable. I could ofcourse live a lifestyle which isn't predictable or dull, but I think I simply would hit the wall eventually there aswell, maybe I limit myself too much, but it does not make a difference, I'll take a leap of faith, my own, a leap of faith that I will commit to it this time and getting the feeling that I have control over my life one last time. I'll try to smile on the way down but the wind will make it rough. I appreciate you anons talking about it with me and trying to change my mind just enough, but this time it sadly won't. I come from a stubborn family, and as such I have retarded takes sometimes but I stand by it because it is my choice and my will. I would hate to live life like a rat race as I have said before, but it simply is not for me, if you believe in reincarnation we can call it a re-roll. If you are of some other religion we could just say a higher plane of existance or that I turn into some spirit somewhere. Would be nice, though I doubt many people nowadays have time enough for old souls like me anymore. I've seen alot and enjoyed myself for the most part, but I think my story ends abruptly here, but atleast I know how the ending goes because I chose so.

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NTA, I'll show you something at least, if you know some of the context it's pretty interesting.

>generally most days are shitty and unfulfilling.
well then do things. Go for a walk. Talk to strangers, join a club for walking or reading or whatever, anything.

Thats the bump, I have to spend energy on very little returns, I don't really like people in fact and stay away from most socializing. I'm an oddball to the very end it seems like.

Yeah, ok. If you're the "I don't want to hurt anyone" type and your own suicide is little more than a petty joke and you're comfortable to go out without a bang than just do it.
Your mom will be sad, be I doubt you care.

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Eh, I can say or do things that will bewilder people and confuse them, people who see the humor in it might take my words with them and carry on with new meanings and ideas.

Don't wanna hurt anyone because it's my life I am ending, not somebody elses. I am not angry at anyone and simply have no reason to do so anyway. Why eat a final meal if you die anyway? It goes both ways user and I just want to do it my way.