Schizo experiment

Hello anons and frens, I had an idea. After a recent OD on SSRI's I came into contact with auditory hallucinations, I don't usually get these at all, but I was intrigued. I will starting from today, self-induce auditory hallucinations until they are frequent and normal. Why? I want to know their knowledge and have someone to talk to when i'm alone. Any tips to what I can do? I will note my progress daily here

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this is a very bad idea, also you should post it on /x/

Bad ideas are for crazy men, I want to live and explore everything that my mind can offer me. In a quest to conquer it. Am I fucking bananas? Hell yes. Does it make me consider this experiment any less valuable? No. Pedal to the metal and balls to the walls, were going full monkey

The voices hold the truth and those who arent able to understand them will go insane. But if you take time to understand you will become god on earth user. Id recommend you to start on DMT and start upping doses every other day. You can find good sources on normal internet or in dark net.

Hello, there is a decent enough chance that you are actually hearing Satan. When he first started talking to me, it sounded more like my brain was picking up random sentences from phone calls. Now he speaks to me every night. Although I'm pretty sure there was no progression, it had nothing to do with what I did, and that he has always had full control over what I hear. He has proven to me 100%, without a doubt, that I am not imagining it. My life got much much worse once this started happening, and i was already anorexic and incelibate. This world is fucking bullshit and whatever God that rules it should unironically be punished by a higher power. This is cruel beyond words, and every day I am left speechless at the things I see happen to myself and others.

>He has proven to me 100%, without a doubt, that I am not imagining it.

Quick update. I have taken my dose of SSRI for today, and I can say I am getting some auditory hallucinations already. It seems that by listening for sounds out of the normal, my mind might try to make sense out of what I'm hearing, my fan for example can eventually start to sound like a female whisper or go from a normal fan noise to more of a robotic wave effect.

I am having a fun time, and I shall dive deeper to pull them out from the deep dark depths of my mind.

Once you give yourself psychosis (in this case drug-induced) there's no going back. Take psychedelics and don't fucking destroy your brain for "science"

This is not for science you fool. I am doing this for glory. I want to have someone to talk to when I am alone and bind them to my will.

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That "someone" is still you, retard. Why don't you go out and find actual friends like a normal person?

Teleportation and he has read my mind with other humans. Lol they aren't even real people dude. Or maybe they are? I'm being severely tortured, somebody help me!

who/what teleported?
what people?
as for help, seek a professional, nobody on here can help you

A professional what? Also I'm just gonna ignore any further inquiries, as I'm quite sure no amount of anecdote will satisfy you.

you can walk or call any priest and he will direct you both to mental health and spiritual help
you didn't post any anecdotes, you are barely coherent dude
are you the guy from /x/ that says his food is being teleported away by satan perchance?

No, that must be someone else. We're demons sent here to destroy humanity for God. Say your prayers, the nukes will start falling soon and chaos will rain from the sky.

I'm on Any Forums so there is a great chance I'm not normal tho. Anyway, I can fixate on sounds that actually exist and then my mind will turn them into something else. But it has to be very gentle or subtle. And they aren't loud enough to say anything coherrent or something that I can understand. We will get there eventually

Also shat my pants when my phone sounded off a notification

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Also seems like the loudest sound so far is a swarm of bees. It doesn't happen much, but I am intrigued over how loud it gets compared to other sounds. Most of which are just random quick one time only noises I won't hear for a while like a crack or a scratch. I am exploring the depths of my mind without having to move a single muscle

I just got one voice to whisper no to me after I asked if it was still there.

One of many new frens? I should name him, I will go with Angel. Dont know why but I think that's the first one. Alright, I would love to know more about Angel, maybe he will show up more

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I have discovered a possible accelerator, I can try to watch people speak in videos, but with the sound off. That way my mind should try to make out what they are saying, therefore feeding the voices. ohohoho I am quite smart

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Is this a cry for help, user? You don't need to damage your brain to feel this way, you can meditate or take safe psychedelic drugs. What you are doing is a form of self-harm.

tskk, it would be self-harm if I didn't do it, I want to explore my inner mind and so I shall, I am doing this on my free will and it is not a cal for help

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