Have you ever been ghosted by someone after talking to them for months/years?

Have you ever been ghosted by someone after talking to them for months/years?

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There is nothing more painful.
>met her April 2021
>both of us were trolling on a discord server at the same time
>we laughed and after both of us got banned we added each other
>alpha mode initiated
>a full year straight of messaging every night
>we start getting close
>flirted once or twice a week
>she starts getting distant
>only messages me after I message her
>usually several days will pass and she'll send a meme
>take the opportunity to ask if she wants to talk or troll in the evening
>she replies with sure
>message her
>no response

It was going so fucking well, user, and we were crazy in almost love. I don't know what happened. Might message her later. Feel free to drop me advice.
It's scary how fast you go from left to right.

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If you only knew her on discord and from nothing else. Than you should just let go and try to find of someone in person.

Yes 53 days ago or so, miss having her there

got ghosted after 3 months. no warning signs, nothing at all.. but i finally got closure from him today. feels good

I ghosted a girl that I knew for 4 years after she sent me this

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>Be friends with local druggie crew
>Sperg out because I didn't think the Old Lady of the group wanted to bang and I wasted money
>Strike 1 enacted
>Hire a retard nigger who intentionally fucks up her job and makes mine 3x harder
>Strike 2
>Basically devolve into manchild because there's another manchild I thought was a friend
>Strike 3
>Entire place but 2 guys disowned me and ghosted me just like that

It was a bad circle all around. Plus they're all white so they definitely didn't survive now when the town's overrun by niggers.

Of the 2 guys I got left as buddies, one's fucking dying from acute liver failure.

Since then? Never integrated into making real friends or "new family".

One of my bosses was extra chummy, but then one day she decided not to be. Felt like whatever thing we had going on as buddy-buddy fell through for no reason.

TLDR: I have learned not to make actual friends. Only buddies that only serve as entertainment so my shift ends quicker/easier.

You are a son of a bitch desu. If you are pissed, just tell her.

>i'm an epic troll
you are the furthest thing from alpha there ever was and must be underage jesus christ

Excuse me sir, but are you a nigger?

hahahahah, no.
you gotta ghost them before they ghost you.
never been ghosted once. B)

Yeah and just a couple of weeks earlier she explicitly told me she would never ever ghost someone. Bitch.

Yeah some discord transgirl i knew for years just ghosted and blocked me on everything after i asked if something was wrong between us. What fucking sucks the most is NEVER going to get closure or a "fuck off" or ANYTHING. just someone you knew for years refuses to speak to you at all with no explanation of why it ended. I miss her a lot.

Weird. Everyone here says ghosting is bad, but in /mbti/ last month I got dogpiled by 20 people for saying that ghosting is generally morally wrong.

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I dated a desi girl when I was a uni student. We went on a handful of dates and she just stopped responding to calls/messages after 1 month. Never even got to smash. Whatever.

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Yes, best friend of 3 years. One day all my socials with her were lost. Couldn't tell you a reason why. Went to her house to see what was going on and she told me to fuck off, and that I don't deserve an answer. It's been almost a year, it still hurts

how do you know she's real? and what kind of trolling were you doing?

It's probably for the best. Remember the good times

>talking to femanon
>dont expect anything but treat her like anyone else
>she says I'm "nice"
>didn't expect to meet someone like me here
>I like talking with her, she is nice to me and spams me
>she will research what I talk about so she can contribute
>she starts sending me selfies
>basically blogs to me
>tells me terrible shit that has happened to her
>try to keep her spirits up
>send her memes etc.
>she sends semi-lewd pics I didn't ask for
>starts saying she loves me and I'm the best thing in her life
>a few months later
>she meets chad
>she says he reminds her of me
>tells me they had sex
>says they are dating
>I'm clearly annoyed she is telling me this
>tell her I'm not into cuckery and dont want to know
>stops spamming me
>just talks about him
>I stop initiating
>few weeks pass
>she says she needs me
>says he was just a cope for not being able to have me
>says she loves me
>never asks how I am doing anymore
>she still doesn't spam or initiate
>I try to start a conversation and she doesn't reply
I miss having someone that "needs" me. I wonder if my support gave her the confidence to no longer need me.
This was a few years ago, and I haven't had a femanon like it since. A couple have said I'm "nice" but I think its code for boring because it never lasts more than a few days.

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>I got dogpiled by 20 people


>I wonder if my support gave her the confidence to no longer need me
This is the true black pill about femanons, the average femanon is far less dysfunctional and isolated than the average robot. They use robots as a stepping stone to getting an irl boyfriend. I'd bet most of the time femanons 'randomly' ghost that it's because they met Chad irl after their online romance gave the confidence to meet people irl.

Hiiiii Turbie