Do you agree that children as young as 2 years old should be allowed to become transgender?

Do you agree that children as young as 2 years old should be allowed to become transgender?

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I try to expand the image but im getting a message saying my ip is blocked.

This website is fucked

bad bad bad bad really wrong and fucked up

Try this one lad.

Attached: 1658588720255925.jpg (1170x1949, 755.43K)

also no i disagree with this shit. I think any parent who pushes this shit on their child should be sterilized and the child should go to CPS

Fuck no and I say that as a literal crossdressing bottom who had cumfarts this morning. This is unironically pedophile "MAP" bullshit. A little boy wants to wear pink and play with different toys? Let them. Don't fucking start changing their entire life and forcing them down a road that will do nothing but force them to maintain an obsessive and difficult regimen of medications, cosmetic treatments, diet and exercise, and a lifestyle that is meant to force them away from their natural self. If they turn 18 and think "Man I want girl pills" then fine, but that's a decision with a ton of consequences that not even a young teenager understands especially not a literally fucking baby.

These people are disgusting and that says a lot coming from me. I have a lot of tolerance for the more bizarre modern behavior around sex and genders.

who the fuck has a "gender identity" at 2? TWO??? Even if you're retarded enough to think clothes and toys define your gender, who the fuck chooses their clothes and toys at TWO?

No even adult trans are not making a clear decession

based sissyfag

Thing is that you hear trannies on places like Any Forums say "no we're not in favour of this extreme shit", but then you go onto Twitter or Reddit and they are literally ALL in favour of transing kids at the youngest possible ages and pushing LGBT education as young as possible.

It's hard to work out if this is something the "trans community" really wants or if its being astroturfed, but it is genuinely scary the amount of people I see on more normie websites that see no problem with this sort of thing.

Honestly, its just trying to label behavior that shouldn't be a big deal. I most agree with this user. Kids should be allowed to do silly things like paint their nails, play with dolls, or things generally outside gender norms. However, it just seems to be taken to an extreme as a way to make these kids stand out. Trans-parents are almost like soccer dads in that the worst treat soccer (or gender identity) as something 100% serious akin to professional sports (or a lifelong identity). Meanwhile the kids just want to kick a ball for an hour or two or act like a muscle man for a bit.

Twitter isn't a fair representation of any community. Do you even watch Dr. K? He had an excellent tangent yesterday on his stream about echo chambers, safe spaces, and radicalization. Places like here, subreddits, twitter communities, etc. harbor extreme beliefs over time because the people in these communities leave larger and more normal groups because they feel ostracized or like outcasts. Eventually they filter people over and over and radicalization happens. Twitter LGBTQ+ is as good of an example as this place is for this phenomenon. People online are not aware of the consequences of their actions, speech, or beliefs because they're just behind a monitor. None of it is directly in front of them.

I digress, I'm not even trans or a part of the trans community. I might not be the best person to speak about them. Personally myself and the particular community I'm a part of is not friendly towards trans people.

A lot of parents use their children for clout or even treat them like a hobby. Sports parents like you said, music parents, art parents, etc. They abuse their children while believing that they're teaching and guiding them towards a better life. When in reality all they're doing is making themselves feel accomplished and happy.

>do you even watch
I'm sorry this is unintentionally aggressive. I meant to type "do you EVER" a typo is making me out to be a bit of an asshole.

While that's true, Twitter does have a huge influence on real-life policy. It's not 2010 anymore, where fringe Tumblr ideas were just that, fringe ideas. Twitter troons have real political power and they're pushing for things like OP picture.

Not old enough to shit in the toilet but old enough to chop their dicks off

30-40% of the weakest most feminine boys needs to be transitioned into perfect girls.
Its the only way these boys will find happiness and meaning with their lifes.
Without transitioning these boys will never experience love, romance and relationships

As said it's a fucked up situation because that tiny extremist minority on Twitter has an extremely outsized influence on the real world itself. Corporations and governments look at Twitter and see the radical demands of activists there and think "this is the direction we must go in" and change policy accordingly.

This is how transgenderism even became a mainstream thing in the first place. It used to be just a tiny minority of weirdos on Tumblr, now they're everywhere because they managed to broadcast their beliefs as far and wide as possible through social media and convert even normies into believing in them.

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Absolutely and if you wanna check out his stream he talks a little bit about the impact of this issue on a large scale but mostly talks about how it's making his own community a little toxic.

For some reason it's locked in on a timestamp and I can't get the link to stop forcing me to the timestamp. The tangent is at the beginning of the stream and runs for about an hour.

Well it's like black people isn't it? The loudest and most marginalized are given the best treated by the public. It's all virtue signaling. Just like the people who fought for my rights decades ago people are doing the same for them now. Most of the positive response and support comes from virtue signaling though. People don't want to be the bad guys or on the wrong side of history so they'll embrace an idea to feel special. For instance my sister, straight-cis-white-female, is aggressively in favor of LGBTQ+ rights, black rights, goes to protests, posts all the bullshit on social media, gets into fights an arguments about it, all while being one of the biggest cunts I've ever met. Who has zero interest in the legitimate well being of others, rolls up her windows and locks her doors when black people are on the sidewalk, crosses the street away from black people, doesn't spend time with people outside of her tax bracket or standard social group, etc. She even has tried to blur her gender identity lines a little for the sake of seeming so into it. It's just so she can accomplish a feeling of belonging. She wants to feel like she was right and a part of the people that were right. She doesn't actually care. I mean this is the girl who exposed my stash of girl clothes like five times growing up.

who cares, we should let more people fuck their lives up and kill themselves
overpopulation is a bitch

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Sounds great. Beta males should all transition and become qt girls.

It's wrong to assume that a tiny minority on Tumblr/Reddit/Twitter is causing this. They are downstream of Academia and the NGO complex. The tumblrina describing herself as faegender back in 2013 may have seemed like a fringe Internet thing, but it was built on the gender ideology that was already at that point unquestionable dogma on most universities. Social media just made the type of people crazy enough to major in Gender Studies visible to you.
The LGBTQIIPDF+BIPOC flags being flown everywhere is not because some mentally ill xey/xem on twitter asked for them, they are there because this ideology developed in academia was useful to some people to justify their jobs and influence so it spread across government bureaucracy and corporate HR, with mass media encouraging this and punishing those who went against it or failed to keep up.
The whole two-year-old transgender thing is about justifying a large bureaucracy with unrestricted power to "help" kids discover their "totally innate and not influenced by anybody" gender identity, and then provide ample psychological and medical gender-affirmative care afterwards. This means jobs for a lot of people, with unrestricted access to sexually confused children and teenagers as a delightful extra perk. Remember kids, don't talk with your parents about what happens in gender identity therapy, they are bigots who won't understand!

For some reason I used to get errors when I tried opening files that had "is2.Any" in the address, but not those that had "" instead. I found that replacing the former with the latter made it work, something like:
Not sure what caused this, but it started working fine for me its own after a few days anyway.