God can some virgin autists please comfort me

god can some virgin autists please comfort me
I need to talk to someone that I can actually relate to I'm really fucking down and normalfaggots are making me sick

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>Not a virgin
>Don't have a mental illness
>Still posting in your thread

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Its 8am and I'm drinking/smoking weed but I'd be more than happy to talk to you
>t. 25 yo wizard apprentice virgin, overtimemaxxing wagecuck.

>god can some virgin autists please comfort me
Calls them that and yet wants to be comforted. Go off yourself.

>has a job
you're less pathetic than me, sorry but you're too intimidating to talk to

I was NEET from 18-23 though after dropping out of college (twice) my job is shite

Believe me I'm a fuckn loser and I'm easy to talk to I promise.

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just quit my job. retard autist99 reporting for duty, how may i help u fucktard

I've been a neet since high school, I've never had a job at all
all my video games and anime are featuring sex and relationships and I can't even just be horny and enjoy them anymore, now I start getting manic about by permavirginity and it's utterly destroying my soul
I have no way to even leave my house and I stayed awake all night doing fucking nothing and I feel like I'm actually dying

I'm still living with my dad who is over the moon that I asked for something for the first time in over a year which was a kitten so now he's building a whole new segment so the kitty can have more space than only my room so that's cool.
I'm sort of chubby and not your type probably but at least I got to vent about how heartbreaking it is to have such a good dad when I'm a genetic deadend

t. 23 yo virgin

its cause you are dying. Feels like ur missing some details, why are you so worried about being a virgin, how old are you, are u disgusting what.

Either way, im in a similar boat but ive noticed i used porn, video games and drugs to try and escape my reality. thing is i turned 23 and it all hit me. what helped me is nofap, no porn, and cutting out the other meaningless negativity in my life(social media, video games). Im still a loser but i see progress already. Feel much better, less skitzo, and im enjoying my life much more. Im starting to think the internet is fucking up our dopamine and putting us in this weird depression. Anyways theres much more you can do too, its all a process but you have to want that change.

my parents got me kittens for by birthday without even thinking about the fact that it just ties me down to the abusive household I want to get the fuck away from even more

>why are you so worried about being a virgin
is this a joke?
sex is the most fulfilling activity a human can experience and being robbed of that and never being loved or touched by anyone for 25 fucking years is literally inhumane

i was trying to ask what makes you think people wont fuck you, ur still kinda avoiding the question but its whatever. I get it. U wasted a lot of ur life, it honestly it what it is. You can still change ur life with the basic tips i gave you. Use that pressure as motivation to get better because thats the only way ur going to get to fuck in a dignified way. u got it.

>I need to talk to someone that I can actually relate to I'm really fucking down
What is it that you wanna talk about or relate to?

>sex is the most fulfilling activity a human can experience
No it isn't. You are conflating sex and intimacy. However intimacy is not necessarily the most fulfilling experience, that comes down to personal preference.

You are a narcissistic crybaby bitch that nobody should comfort, because it is wasted effort. What you need is a good punch to the face.

I'm the biggest autistic loser in this place. You look like a normalfag compared to me.

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people won't fuck me because I can't leave my house and if I do I'm too scared to talk to anyone and come off as a creep
I just can't take listening to people who have had girlfriends or jobs or healthy families trying to give "advice" to me anymore
I just want to talk to other failures to try and calm down and destress myself because I'm getting really angry and manic
going your entire life without anyone ever being intimate with you does horrible and irreparable damage to your mental health
it is, literally, inhumane
it's as bad as being denied food or water

>going your entire life without anyone ever being intimate with you does horrible and irreparable damage to your mental health
>it is, literally, inhumane
>it's as bad as being denied food or water
You only think that because FOMO. The amount of social interaction a human being needs to survive is virtually zero.

are you a guy or a girl? if you are a girl i bet you are fat.

i feel like ur missing out so many details. What are you just super socially autistic or something? You can work on those things, theres books you can read. Thing is i feel like ur leaving out a lot

no matter how many times you peddle this shit it will never be true
I wouldn't be such a fucking mess if you were even the smallest amount of correct
sex and love are basic human needs
the fact you are even asking this question means you deserve to be murdered
there are no fucking girls on the internet

Yes I am right here. Unlike all of the normalswine in this thread. I can actually relate to your problems. In fact i probably hate normies more than you do. They are all dumb vapid shallow materialistic fucking whores who deserve to die.