Another Incel killing!

Another Incel killing!
Things had been quiet recently, so I feel like we are due a couple.

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This is old
get new material cuck

I actually dont get it. If you look like that, why are you asking out 17 yo? Do you see how you look? Dont you see youre a gross ugly fat man that has done nothing in his life? Why are you so entitled if you cant even get yourself to get in better shape? Like are people this fucking retarded?

individuals buy into stories pedaled by bitter people that they are owed something. they are not.

old shit, you're retarded and make bad threads, consider leaving

good, if only this happened enough then people like this will eventually be culled off society.

Welll he is Mexican so probably low-iq but beyond that, society tells everyone looks don't matter.

>just improooooove

it's not that simple

Its actually the only thing YOU can do. Everything else is cope because youre not the one controlling it. So yes, it is that simple

No one actually believes that right? Like looks are not everything but at the same time you have to look presentable. If you cant even get to that you are subhuman

you're actually so retarded

>No one actually believes that right?
When you tell low-iq savages that looks do not matter, yes, they do in fact believe it. Maybe stop lying for 5 seconds. Your attempts at seeming "not shallow" result in stories like this.

>Dont work for anything ever.
>Why doesnt the cute 17yo gril wanna be with me :

Because websites like this provide him with an excessively large cycle of validation that tells him that he should expect romance if he checks certain boxes of traits he thinks he has but doesn't. And when these things don't work, and the confusion sets in, it turns into anger, because everything he knows about society, he learned from his shitty internet circles, and it turns out none of these communities he visits has any business giving people advice about how to live and be successful in society.

>Because websites like this provide him with an excessively large cycle of validation
>he learned from his shitty internet circles
day of the first soon roastie, you wont escape

people with gfs don't work for it retard, it just happens for them

more like: being rejected made him angry

Murdering someone over being rejected isn't normal. I was discussing why being rejected made him as angry as it did.

it's only "not normal" in that it's not common. who cares

The girl's family and loved ones.

people hurt each other's feelings, yes