Chad only is true and it is a GOOD THING

Yes, it is Chad only. and females have every right to do that.

sex is dangerous for females. So they have to GUARANTEE they will feel extreme pleasure to compensate for the danger.

Chad only. Don't be mad. You weren't born Chad, you weren't born to please females. Deal with it.

All throughout human history, females were subject to get fucked by males they weren't attracted to. Average males who disgust them. Now, with Tinder and Instagram, they can finally be fucked by the superior males who should be the ONLY ones fucking them in the first place.

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Op has a chad cuckolding fetish lmao

What a loser omegalul

dude in back looks like a woman, not a Chad.

there are 8 billion fuckin people on Earth let everybody stop fuckin or tryin make a baby


Don't be mad when the other 95% find alternatives

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there are images of teenage me just like this floating aroind. Feels alright, its not me anymore but those were nice days.

"chad" in picrel looks like a fucking goblin lmfao

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I agree in principle but your post comes off as playing with a degredation fetish

You make fun of him out of jealousy. Chad envy is real.

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Incels should gang up and kill God to stop him from torturing us. He's scared of us, he knows we can kill him.

incels are Blessed.

they lead a world to reverse down world population.

Chad is a dumb tard spreadin monkey warts

nah while id like to have two girl threesome i wouldnt wanna look like el goblino, keep projecting tho faggit

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so you're of the belief ugly people don't have sex? Holy fuck you're braindead

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not anymore. Females control sex (as they should) and they only want Chad (as they should).

They NEVER fuck average or ugly dudes. They can just boot up Tinder and choose. And good for them!

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bro there's objectively ugly women just like there's objectively ugly men and yes, they fuck, everyone fucks. You not getting pussy isn't a woman's fault, it's you're own. And it's a simple lack of understanding

stop judging people, stop poisoning your mind with 4channel incel rhetoric, and stop overthinking literally everything. You're in control of anything that happens whether you know it or not. Make use of this info user, stop being sedentary and expand yourself and just keep asking for a bone.
took me like 1 month to get pussy on tinder when I was 17 and just because she was disgusting doesn't mean I didn't enjoy myself, I STILL GOT PUSSY

and this is what faggots like you need to do and understand otherwise you turn into a fucking internet age schizo

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sauce on OP image?

I'm not judging people. I'm judging incels being angry at the fact that sex is dangerous for females, and they will ONLY fuck Chads, to guarantee their pleasure is worth it.

Yes, women only fuck Chads. And this is a good thing.

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You're delusional user. I'm assuming you just have a cuckolding fetish.

well user if you're trying to say every dude in this world is a chad, you're right. We're all chads when we can be

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that pic is practically begging for a face swap but im too shit at photoshop to do it

Gotta love it because those average men you keep stepping on shit talking and treating like trash are the busy Bees that keep this society running that let you act like this shit. We've seen in history what this way of thinking gets so laugh it up qhuow you can but those men are tuning out giving up and turning away. Thank God porn exists. Eventually there will be no more men who will bust their ass for this shitty world and when that happens is when the real fun begins.

Who is this little slut?

If the pictures people post on social media aren't an accurate reflection of their lives, how much of this is genuine?