Be me

>be me
>Young Dad in his 20's with a 4yo Daughter
>Taking care of Daughter while Wife is out
>Daughter wants to have a tea party
>Daughter wants to put makeup on me as a part of her "dress up" game
>She insists
"Why not?"
>Try to explain to her what boundaries are
>She gets frustrated and starts crying
>Try to comfort her but still refuse to dress up
>She throws a tantrum
>Warn her that if she doesn't stop I won't play at all
>She continues
>Put her in time out for 20min
>Make her some food because she's still crying and kids get cranky without food
>Mom comes home and sees that Daughter is upset
"What's Wrong?"
>Daughter tells Mom everything then leaves
>Wife gives me "The Look"
>Wife says that I'm proudy and that I need to get over my ego and play dress up with our Daughter
>Wife is upset
Am I being too prideful? Or should I stand my ground as a father and say "No Means No"?

Attached: Hitachi Seaside Park Japan Kochias.jpg (1200x800, 529.73K)

murder your daughter and wife

A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear women's clothing, for the Lord your God detests anyone who does this.
Deuteronomy 22:5

One, you had sex and aren't a robot.
Two, kids are extremely impressionable and rely on their parents to give them an enriching and memorable childhood. Swallow your pride.

An enriching childhood is one where a child learns that they don't always get their way. You don't let a kid eat ice cream and cookies all day. Same concept.

There's a time and place for life lessons, douche. A fucking tea party is neither. Don't you dare act surprised when your kid grows up distant and neurotic.

Google "redirection strategies for children" retard should've played dress up with her or a doll instead

I'm with you user. Nobody should force anyone to do if they're not comfortable with it. I think that's basic and very hard to teach that concept to children in these times.

And what if your daughter wanted to see your penis and had the same reaction and wouldn't stop until she saw daddy's cock? You have to have boundaries.

Where is your reading comprehension? I literally said there's a time and a place.
>daddy's cock
I can't help but feel like you're projecting dark fantasies here. Like, where the fuck did that come from?

no means no user... try to cheer her up by other methods.. and have a nice time : )

>there's a time and a place to be a faggot in front of your children
I suppose there's a reason why women don't want to reproduce with you.

OP stop replying to this faggot.

Don't do it. Boundaries matter. Listening to these drop out retards will turn your kid into a brat.

Your wife is going to teach your daughter that she can throw a bitch fit and get whatever she wants in life

Don't rape your daughter, Mr. Daddy's Cock.

Golly, I'll give it the ol' college try!

It didn't really matter before but now that your wife is in on it you have to commit and stay the path. If you change your mind now she'll think you're a bitch all the while smiling and pretending she approves. Men are supposed to be immovable walls and if your women sees she can bend you it's literally over. Men have so much shit to deal with in relationships it's unreal.

oh man this is so cringe, imagine being such a pretty boy faggot that the thought of your kid scribbling on ur face haphazardly makes you feel uncomfortable. kill yourself retard
>getting mad at ur kid for this
congratulations ur raising a future femcel retard tranny with your weird homosexuality

Nah, kids need to learn boundaries. I guess you could argue about of your boundaries are well set or not but if you feel uncomfortable with what she wanted from you telling her and sticking to your guns is fine.

Just personally I'd also never indulge in crossdressing or similar in front of my child.

its good to reinforce boundaries with kids. boudaries are important to learn early.

you're allowed to say no to anything but i think your wife has an issue with the reason.