Anyone else here "successful" but still can't attract a girl?

>own a business worth $2mil
>worth just under $4 mil
>live in a really nice part of the city
>an extremely good and confident salesman
>not autistic or shy
I guess I'm just ugly? Idk, I have a big nose and weak jaw so that might be it. But even then, I have clients who look like shit that have drop dead gorgeous wives just because they are successful whereas I can't even find a girl to go on a date with me lmao

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>I have a big nose and weak jaw so that might be it.
for a man your looks barely fucking matter it's kind of sad

I'm just not charismatic. I don't generate the same kind of excitement that normal people do. Doesn't mean they don't have a good time with me. Just different.

>>own a business worth $2mil
>>worth just under $4 mil
Does it show? Women won't know you're successful unless you show off a bit. Like nice clothes and shit.
>>live in a really nice part of the city
That only matters once you get her home. So it's not really helping your problem of failing to attract a girl.
>>an extremely good and confident salesman
>>not autistic or shy
Are you confident with girls too or just at work?

Untrue. For attracting a woman, looks are ALL that matters. Anything else, like trying to attract them with financial success, is just prostitution.

You are just extremely stupid. There are ugly guys with no money and they still attract women.

You are just ugly. Charisma does not exist. People judge your personality based off your physical appearance. That is it.

It doesn't have to be money. You can attract them with drugs or physical protection, but unless you are extremely hot, she will never desire you, only what you can give her.

it's the other way around. you'll see the ugliest guys on earth have some charisma and suddenly women call them hot.

Dont bother trying to convince them, they will not listen.

You have the logic backwards. Giving her your superficial looks doesn't really matter in the long run. Having a stable income or being confident is much more attractive for a relationship. You seem to be in your porn phase still and everything will be clouded in confirmation bias. The 2-year rule is for people like you.

I think it shows, yeah. I do wear really nice clothes and expensive suits, I also have a leased Range Rover Sport but I doubt women can tell much when it comes to cars.
Yeah, I can hold convos with girls fairly easily. Idk how to flirt and I do have this irrational fear of just getting abaolutely humiliated by a girl. Idk how to escalate the convos because I feel like girls don't give me that "in" or "sign" that they want me to flirt

>i doubt women can tell much when it comes to cars
Pure autism moment.
>fear of humiliation
Huh? You have to explain some of this low IQ stuff. How do you fear humiliation if you are SINGLE???

You are applying logic to women's behavior. Yes, you are logically correct but no, women dont care. Secondly, relationships have nothing to do with attraction. They are simply transactions: the woman offers sex for something else.

If you want to look at attraction, take a peek at the guys who get casual sex (ie they dont have to pay to fuck). Generally, they are just hot. That is all a woman wants.

No they dont. Look at the guys women fuck for free. Never listen to what they say.

>transactional relationships
Not worth it. I doubt you are even that vapid or stupid honestly. You probably wouldn't be here.

>Women fuck for free
85% of men? Not a great indicator of anything. Most of them have an average income.

are you interesting? are you engaging? are you welcoming? all things to consider desu

get a rx7. women dont like ranges.

Only a small percentage of men ever get to fuck for free. If you have to put in any effort, then she does not find you sexually attractive.

85% is not really a small percentage. How high should it be?

No, 85% or more of men NEVER are sexually desired. Ever. Height alone already excludes most men from genuine female desire. These guys may still get laid but they have to pay for it somehow.

You're talking about Stacy. Every guy I knew was fucking in high school for free without paying anything.

You may suffer from "excessive professionalism".

In other words, you identify so strongly with your work persona that you can't turn it off. It's organic to you now. And your work persona "respects women as customers and colleagues and employees" so it has completely leeched out any sexual energy or tension whatsoever, because you don't want people to think you're Harvey Weinstein.

I had this problem for a long time. I didn't realize it, but I was talking to women as if we were co-workers, and they assumed I wasn't interested. So they would act standoffish in return.