Why are the interesting autistic women always either homos, aspiring troons, or "asexuals"?

Why are the interesting autistic women always either homos, aspiring troons, or "asexuals"?

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Other urls found in this thread:

spectrumnews.org/news/brains-women-autism-may-sport-male-features/#:~:text=They found that 39 of,have autism, the researchers found.

Maybe cause they are autistic

>Why are people with mental deviations are not normal
You must be autistic yourself

I have a schizo gf and she doesn't even know what those are. Bless her.

they are "asexuals" because theyre anti-coom and pure enough to never have masturbated before

i posted about this yesterday, but female autistics are actually male brainwise.
spectrumnews.org/news/brains-women-autism-may-sport-male-features/#:~:text=They found that 39 of,have autism, the researchers found.

they are free from catering to the male gaze

does that mean autistic girls are tomboys?

I love autistic girls now

Fucking based I want an autistic gf now

That explains a lot. But I don't think I was born with autism, I was sort of molded into it, grown up with the internet since a very young age and that's why I am more 'male' brained I think.

Please, mademoiselle! Post those male brained boobalicious tittais, those salami nippleronis, the macro mammaries, the jiggly jugglies

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Yep, that basically all of them.
>aspiring troons
Because society convinces them that homosexuality is the most wrong you can ever be and it's better to cut off your tits and be straight than to date a woman.
That's just a lesbians who is too repressed to come out yet.

Okay, larper, I'll bite: are you a disgusting faggot, though? If you have even 1% of attraction to females, please lobotomize and sterilize yourself.

Jews would have you believe that being a fag is okay and beautiful, especially if you're a dyke (zomg imagine all the male attention you'd get then! because a faggot really cares about the opposite gender's approval). Simp-brained weak men help enforce that doctrine inadvertently and no one bats an eye at all of the world issues compounding on themselves until it's far too late to do anything about them, anyway.

But for you, perhaps it's not too late. If you aren't a faggot, don't ever become one. Just stay away from simps and retards, especially from this site.

Thank you for the (You) and your long effort post. But if I was a tranny freak I would immedialy revert back to being male, the superior sex/gender. Unfortunately I am born of the female sex. My life has far less purpose, I am weaker, lower IQ, less ambitious, have less motivation, no technical insight, bad at math, can't sprint or run as fast (especially when puberty hit me). I have no real deeper interests that go beyond surface level. I'm far more emotional, irrational due to female hormones and I'm incable of ever producing something creative or amazing, have no humor and many more things like that.

This was all decided at the moment of conception, my curseth fate was sealed the moment my father's sperm with an X chromosome entered my mothers egg cell, I am doomed to be inferior for the rest of my life. I will never be a male, no matter if my brain falls on this male brain range sclae spectrum whatever according to that study.

Women have around 20-25% fewer neurons (which also transmit electrical signalsmore slowly) in their neocortex than men do.

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lol, the snarky passive aggressiveness of a female with the subtle, clever wit of a male. Quality rebuttal, mate; the jury's out on what you are IRL. Either way, just don't turn into a faggot.

thanks, bot

where can i find a schizo gf like yours?

I used to be a tranny and I'll tell you the reasons I think I did it... back at the time I made myself believe that it was because I was really a man but I know that is not true now, I'll explain I think there are two reasons why I did it... the first is I grew up with my mom in my teenage years hadn't repaired my relationship with my father yet, she was a very liberal feminist type and would often talk about how she hated men and all, but she was a very mean person and cruel to me as a kid... not to mention all the girls I met at school were all also somewhat mean to me and would always treat me as if I was an alien... there's more but I basically grew to hate women when I was a teenager which is reason one... reason two, I'm not very good at talking to people as you can probably tell so making friends as a kid was hard especially because I moved around a lot, but any friends I did make were almost always men... but I always wanted that close friendship that I would see on the TV of people who were genuinely close friends but could never have that because I was a girl so I would always be an outsider... if I was another boy then maybe I could be one of the close friend group... so, because of wanting close friends and being an avid misogynist at the time, I trooned out... I regret it now, different things in my life happened, fixed the relationship with my father, moved in with him, and fell in love with a man eventually, although he would not love me in return because he knew me as a man, and I realized what I was doing was not true to myself, I was never going to have that close friendship because I am not designed to have friends I am built to be alone, and I still am uncomfortable around other women more than men but not as much. I can't speak for other autistic foids but that's me.

cont. as for the asexual part, I don't consider myself this, but I get very uncomfortable around people I don't know, and can't see myself being comfortable enough to have sex or be romantic with them until we know eachother very well which can take years... I've only ever been attracted to someone like that once and we had already been platonic friends for 3 years.... nobody is willing to put that kind of time in for someone like me, and I'm just too afraid of people to do anything else, plus I've stopped even allowing new people go try and be friends with me because it always goes poorly... so while I'm not asexual I'm not exactly on the market there

Don't care didn't read and woman isn't a feeling