I'm not coping with this covid-19 shit

I'm not coping with this covid-19 shit
This "pandemic" is never going to end
The world wants me dead and injected with a sinister vaccine for a virus that is not even lethal.
0.08% lethality in my country (New Zealand)

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Nobody wants you dead moron. Except mommy who is forced to buy your tendies with her hard earned money

>The world wants me dead and injected with a sinister vaccine for a virus that is not even lethal.
I don't want it either. It feels like the entire world is trusting an untrustworthy company to protect them from a virus that's all hyped up with fear. Everyone's theoretical eggs are in Pfizer's basket and I don't trust American pharmaceutical companies enough to follow suit.

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were you always hesitant to take the covid vax or did you start to regret it after the fact?
and are you woman? a kiwi girl?

"pandemic" has been over for about a year

I am a pureblood unvaccinated neet.
I caught covid and it was absolutely nothing

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I am still barred from employment and everyone around me are still mask wearers.

i literally never see anyone wearing a mask in the UK

>The world stopped giving a fuck six months ago
>"Wah, I still want to sulk and play pretend-victim"

I mean shouldn't a few thousand of the vaccinated have dropped dead or turned into zombie slaves by now? When does it kick in? Six years later? Move on already.

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Why do vaccinated people like you do this? Just up and pretend like the last 2 years didn't happen?
There has been the most extreme form of psychological torture inflicted on the world on such a mass scale and you just want to brush it off?

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very based
i need a girl like this because I am also unvaxxed and the only two unvaxxed girls i've talked to so far a lesbian and fucking crazy, respectively

not him but i had stopped going outside before the pandemic, it actually hardly affected my life

You have astronomically low odds of finding a pureblood/unvaccinated partner in this doom world that has been created through no fault of our own, rather our own inaction.

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Has it affected your future? That is the question. Why toil in this doomed world run by psychopaths who are out to get you

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apparently people exist i just need to find one who is hetero or bisexual, at least somewhat sane and not on the other side of the planet

It's unlikely to ever happen user.
Seemingly 90-95% of the world took the vaccine

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>Why do vaccinated people like you do this? Just up and pretend like the last 2 years didn't happen?
It happened, but pandemics/epidemics have a beginning and and end. It's over now. Most of the first world is vaccinated and the spread has slowed to a crawl.

You want to act like it was the end of the world and some shadowy cabal was out to get you personally with their sinister paper masks of doom. I'm not going to say you can't think that way, but you're wrong.
You're unbelievably wrong on such a level it is amusing to others how wrong you are. That's just reality. Do with it what you will.

I'm sure there's some other way you can play the victim vs. the sinister Jew puppetmasters. Something with smartphones? Chemtrails? That new space telescope? Get creative.

Feel welcome at any point in time to prove that it's wrong.
I am still barred from employment and tresspassed from supermarkets. My very survival and access to food is threatened.
A trespasses notice lasts for 2 years and my disgust for an entire lifetime.
The "pandemic" is not over.

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I have the same mindset but I got it because I was homeless and the only way my grandparents would let me live with them. I don't feel any different but at the same time I feel like a clown and think I'll just randomly die any moment with a blood clot or brain aneurysm. I wish I just stayed homeless.

>I am still barred from employment and tresspassed from supermarkets
That's your fault, bro. They told you what you had to do and you didn't do it. Tough shit.

When is the vaccine going to melt people into puddles anyway? Shouldn't that have happened by now? What do you think is going to happen if you take it?
If the entire world is out to get you, they've done a shitty job at it. You don't sound like you've starved to death yet, plus you're still whining away online completely unfettered by the Jews.

It is already happening. The has been mass deaths and heart attacks/bloodclots at a rate far higher than it was before 2019. Massively underreported.
If I take it, it means I have surrendered my bodily autonomy not once, not twice, not three times, but currently FOUR times for a vaccine that doesn't even protect me from a virus that didn't even kill me. It was just a runny nose. And then for that point on I will be shilled boosters until the day I die.
Could you tell me why you are conveniently ignoring the last 2 years like it didn't even happen? Are you trying to absolve yourself of any guilt? Why are vaccinated people like you doing this now?
The future it bleak.

Stfu faggot the Jews are to blame for all the worlds problems besides ooga booga rudypoos

>vaccine is more threatening than the actual virus
Sometimes I wish the chink flu had scarier effects and long lasting consequences so people would shut the fuck up and stop acting like drama queens.

>Could you tell me why you are conveniently ignoring the last 2 years like it didn't even happen?
Uh... because I don't want to be locked in time to a single event. Life goes on.
Over a million people are dead and that sucked, we should be grateful it wasn't us and carry on.

If you want to pretend the boogieman is still out to get you, you absolutely can. You can fight that boogieman for the rest of your weird life if you want to. Just don't expect much company on your quest.

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