Date a BPD girl

user, why aren't you dating a BPD girl yet?
>low self esteem so will fall for you easily, quickly, and hard
>they will love and care about you deeply and make sure you know that
>if they ever step out of line, just leave them and watch as they realize they're nothing without you and do everything within their power to get you back

Do it user. Date a BPD girl.

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Because I'm not completely fucking retarded and don't want to wake up to slashed tires.
Also, I only date humans

first post most based post

Last one almost made me kms because I'm mentally weak. Won't fall for that again. I hope.

get a fucking garage then retard

>afraid of a wome
women will always view you as a beta. your so will cuck you one day bc she has no respect for you

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i will fall for it again proudly

FALSE. BPD girls see you as their god. they just get angry at god sometimes.

> they just get angry at god sometimes.

What an understatement

how can you possibly be too mentally weak for one of the most mentally weak people on the planet? when they rage at me, I laugh a little bit then just leave. the flood of apologies and lovebombing that comes later on brings me an amount of pleasure that I can't begin to describe
this guy is based

I don't see how BPD creatures can fall into this category when they're not even human

kill yourself rn

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They're not human, they're even better.

finding one is the hard part

You will never meme yourself into personhood.
Every remotely functional human innately despises BPD "people" and rightfully so. Bad Person Disorder should be grounds for euthanasia

looks like someone got bullied and dumped by a bpd girl lol LMAO even

Not really? most women these days are pretty bpd with daddy issues
I'm functional, that's why I like BPD people. I don't get my feewings hurt when they get mad at me and I love how in love they are with me

i have no connection to most women. i have no interest in the normies that you can see if you go outside

Even better, meet a BPD girl online. Literally every girl on the internet is BPD

every girl i have talked with and like lives on the other side of the world

She hurt my feelings and I am an enormous pussy. Basically I couldn't hold frame lmao.