Did you believe her when she said she loved you?

Did you believe her when she said she loved you?

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How could I? How could she?

I believed him and now I'm in shambles

yes and you should always believe it, i love you too user

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the closest she ever got was "...and I know it's not the way you want, but..." I hugged her and neither of us said anything else.

She's gone, now. I hope she found some peace, wherever she is.

direct ur feelings towards me, i have feelings towards u user, why cant u reciprocate that? whats wrong with u.. lowly dog..

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You would have too

>why cant u reciprocate that?
you are intrusive and smug, you wouldn't even make a good gf because your self absorbed personality would make it possible for anything anyone could ever try to do for you enough.

I believed and she didn't even say it

>when she said she loved you
when is this supposed to happen
I'll believe it when I hear it even if its only for a moment

Wouldn't make it possible*
also your spectacle is tired. give it a rest

Nah ima keep it a stack Ion believe a hoe

hmmm hmm how do u mean user?
fair fair.. as for the rest why cant u let by gones be bygones? i have my issues user as do u.. when we both come to accept this we can be together again.

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>hmmm hmm how do u mean user?
You insert yourself into places you aren't wanted.

I did, user. She always said she loved me and I could see it in her eyes. I thought I could anyway. But I don't know now. I was there for her, I always supported her. Emotionally and financially. When her mental health started to decline and she was struggling to work, I helped pay her rent and doctors visits. Even though I didn't make that much money. But when I started to struggle with my own problems, she was gone. God, I am a fucking retard

Yes, I believe my mother.

I really did. But we're even now I would say. What a fucking charade it's been. Im really having a laugh. Something has to give or I'll kill myself with something long before I can rot.

I did user she wanted to marry me but she got deployed and mental health things arose and boom ended things after 4 years plus pic related

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Same and a real eye opener to women. Lost my job then lost my gf of a few years soon after.

damn I remember you user, sorry things didn't work out
time to head for greener pastures though, yeah?

I used to believe her lies, but after enough hers she started to believe my lies.

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Hey man how are things?? But yea man I've lost 20 pounds and a girl asked me out on a date that I was friends with idk if I wanna go into a relationship again

nothing wrong with taking your time, but a rebound is a pretty surefire way to start the process

But how are things with you user?

looking up, got a new job in a new place recently, gonna start going out and finding some new friends soon I hope :)

Hey good stuff! What's the new job?