I just quit weed and holy shit everyone is right. what a shit fucking plant

i just quit weed and holy shit everyone is right. what a shit fucking plant

>nothing but paranoia and anxiety
>makes me anti social
>makes me not get anything done for months on end
>tired and paranoid all day
>costs a fuck load of money
>extremely addicting
>makes every social interaction awkward
>makes me overthink everything

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I don't care anymore all I want to do is smoke weed in my home until existence is finally just over for good.

Never understood why people get addicted to weed, it's so fucking boring by myself

Because sobriety and loneliness is hell

Those are the exact same effects that it had on me. Only reason I kept smoking it is because it was addicting, and when I smoked I would only do it when I was alone and I would isolate myself because it made interacting with people super uncomfortable and strange. It would even give me super bad paranoia and overthinking and creating problems for myself to freak out over, I dont miss it at all. Fuck the anxiety and stress, its funny because people say its supposed to help with those things but all it does for me is make them 10x worse.

Weed is gay, sober living is based and maybe some alcohol every once in a while.

It's great until something bad happens then it gets really scary

You do know everyone feels it differently? I don't get paranoia or anxiety from weed.

It is not really expensive unless you are buying bulk or having to injest it every hour of your waking day.

In the end, I don't really need weed though. But I prefer it over alchohol any day of the week. But I don't use alchohol either sooo

i quit recently too for similar reasons, mainly the paranoia and anxiety. i would get super high and then spend the rest of my time i was going to drop dead or someone was coming after me. It also messed up my appetite severely but i think its coming back.

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I don't get paranoia. I've always had anxiety though but it chills me down for a while.
I've always been anti social and bullied in my childhood because i got a plethora of disorders.
I got a good enough job with disposable income.
It calms my wild thoughts down and gives me focus.
I banned myself from smoking but vaping is no problem, you never get a bad trip.
Also, i'm NL so i can literally get it around the corner for a decent price.

Weed affects everyone differently. Sounds like you just have shitbrain. Not everyone is built for drug use. I smoked like a chimney from ages 15-20 and it was never anything besides a source of fun. Still had phenomenal grades and am still successful in life. I will admit that it becomes a waste of money once your tolerance gets too high.

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Youre a fucking retard no one cares if you smoked as a teenager. Choke and die

thc is the most overrated drug by far

Agree its literal dog shit. Only fun for teenagers and low IQ

Also this
Not everyone gets anxiety and panic attacks. I grow enough weed to last the year in the warm months so it literally costs next to nothing. Use it every day, just makes nights more bearable because I don't have dreams.

cannabis can only be regularly used by very certain people, you gotta have both the genetic and mental predisposition and the general position in life to afford its drawbacks, which there are many, a lot of which you will never hear people talk about, but if it does do that thing for you, you know what I mean if it does, then you can really work with it and do special things, but only if you can deal with it and understand the obligations to altering your bodyclocks and thinking in that way, and in general not be too much of a dickhead

now if you want to know what I mean about being able to deal with it, take synchronicity, the clock on my pc is off, and when I made the post I looked at the time and wondered if the post number will reflect it in any way, which I often think about with numbers so it's nothing too special, but the time was 7:27, so it's just one of those things that shows the way you gotta be both wanting and capable of handling responsibly and for good, because it's totally fucking crazy, but also there, so there you go

and I guess it's that roundabout waste of time bullshit where you notice the most insane things that you gotta be able to really learn from, cause if you can do that you can do anything, and if you're still focusing on the number thing then you've already fallen into the spiral, walk on water nigga

>makes me overthink everything

I got the same experience brobot.
Basically i was a paranoid wreck on it. Used to smoke shit ton and enjoy it but now days its been a drag.

I quit and just realized the same as you.

I'm still sad i don't get the same vibe anymore from it


This is me.

My gf smokes allot and doesn't have any paranoid or weird effects from it.

She only gets lazy and starts to enjoy dumb shit like friends.
Or whatever show on shitflix

>anxiety and panic attacks

Id hate to see some of you on real drugs tbqh

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How you react to thc has no bearing on your reaction to other drugs, brainlet.

lmao this

"I quit weed"
How long have you been smoking ?
< 5 years


Have fun slaving to a plant faggot